つまり、ええ、それはあなたがどれだけ上手かによって異なりますが、 americanodds.comにあるような多くのパーレイスポーツ賭博計算機や、スポーツ賭博でさらに成功するためのその他の便利なツールがたくさんあるので、そうしないのはちょっと難しいです勝つ。
I personally prefer sports betting to poker, truth be told. There are more chances to win.
I mean, yeah, it depends on how good you are at it, yet there are so many parlay sports betting calculators like the one on americanodds.com and some other useful tools to become even more successful in sports betting that it's kinda hard not to win.
Honestly, success has started for me when I finally decided not just to thoughtlessly follow my intuition but count odds and analyze every player's statistics.
Having lost much money on my games with intuition and luck, I figured out that success comes only when you start to take smart steps.