私は数年前、twitch のストリームに参加していました。このスチーマーは急速に人気を博し、ギャンブル サイトでのストリーミングを検討されました。彼はステークと話し合ったところ、偽の残高を手に入れ、得た利益の 15% を本物のお金として保持すると言われました。
I was a part of a stream on twitch around a couple years back. The steamer was getting popular quickly and considered streaming for a gambling site. He talked with stake and they told him he would get a fake balance, and any profits he made he would keep 15% as real money.
This added a lot more context for me when watching streamers because often their excitement at big wins seems much more aligned with that, in theory. This is only hearsay, but all the facts align quite well to me. Roshtein is probably a millionaire by now, but I don't expect he owns a private jet.
Most of the streamers probably used to be degen to some degree but now with their partnership it turns more into a job and us watching them work, because they are lying saying it's "real money" distancing them from their community, which are expecting to track the progress of a successful degen.