I also get texts from them daily under a girls name. They are crafty you block them and they just change the girls name!!
All three take you to different casinos proving they are owned by the same owner
And all these casinos have a very bad reputation. And in most cases they only collect money, and payments are always a problem.
И все эти казино с очень плохой репутацией. И в большинстве случаев только собирают деньги, а с выплатами всегда проблема.
メールは気になりませんが、毎日の定型文は気になります。また、それらがすべて接続されていると思う理由は、最初のデポジットですべて同じウェルカム400%ボーナスがあるからです。それらはすべてx50の賭け金を持っており、それらはすべて同じスロットを持っています。 +同じ入出金オプション。ただし、パルプではID番号が私が今までにないような小さな違いがあります。前に見た。
The emails don’t bother me but the daily constant texts do. The reason also why I think they are all connected is they all have the same Welcome 400% bonus on your first deposit. They all have x50 wagering they all have the same slots. + the same deposit and withdrawal options. There are however small differences like at Pulp you have an ID number something I have never. seen before.
In my opinion the irony is if they paid out like they should say a 7day time frame they would probably in the long run make more money as we all know casinos always win especially as I’m finding out to my cost . I’m currently going through my biggest lose drought since I started playing £800 divided between 2 casinos and nowhere near getting to a withdrawal, 80% dead spins. I’m going to deposit £50 at each casino on Thursday and if it stays the same that’s me out!
I hope so if you get it and not having to wait to long for it hopefully
Yes, the daily texts must be very annoying. It must be possible to block them somehow. Maybe use an external app for it or talk to your operator.
All these are landing in my spam folder and they all offer the same thing and take you to the afore mentioned casinos and as I stated before they are all from the same company. I get 6/8 daily.
こんにちは、私はあなたのポイントを理解しています。すべてをブロックすると言っただけです。 🙂
Hello, I understand your point. Just said I would block it all. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com