RTP ショットを比較して、カジノ内の私の ID のプロバイダー内で同じ行に従っているかどうかを確認しています。
プロバイダー内の私の ID がカジノ内でのみ共有されるのか、それとも他の人に共有されるのかわかりません
Hi, I created a topic about my research.
I'm comparing the RTP shots to see if they follow the same line within the provider on my ID within the casino
I don't know if my id within the provider is shared only within the casino or if it goes to others
The winning rng or average or retention shots will depend on my winnings and the rtp of the provider's demo within the casino and even the real game and different from the demo on the guru's website
So we can play with real volatility
As for the shots being connected and being the same, I'm studying to see if it matches.
Oi criei um tópico sobre minha pesquisa
Estou comparando os tiros de rtp para ver se seguem a mesma linha dentro do provedor no meu id dentro do cassino
Não sei se meu id dentro do provedor e compartilhado apenas dentro do cassino ou se vai para outros
Os tiros de rng vitória ou de médiana ou de rentençao vai depender das meus ganhos e o rtp da demostração do provedor dentro do cassino e mesmo do jogo real e diferente da demo no site da guru
Então agente consegue jogar com a volatilidade real
Sobres os tiros estarem ligados e serem os mesmo estou estudando para ver se bate
Wow, your answers are always very good. Verdicas I played on limit city
There really are many providers that are just slot machines
Still, thanks for the tips
Thank you for your support on the forum
Nossa suas respostas são sempre em muito boas. Verdicas joguei no limit city
Realmente tem muitos provedor que são apenas caçaniques
Mesmo assim obrigado pelas dicas
Agradeço a força no forum
はい、Hack saw と nolimit city では平均 1 週間持続する RTP マップについて話しましたが、他の人にとっても、大きな利益や大きな損失、プラットフォームにとって最善の状態と休息の後にも機能すると思います。
すでにテストした人がいる場合、PG、pragmatic、Tiger network、novomatic などの他のプロバイダーではどうなりますか?
Yes, you talked about the RTP map that lasts an average of 1 week for hack saw and nolimit city, I believe that for others it also works after big gains or big losses, the best and rest for the platform
If anyone has already tested what would it be for other providers like PG, pragmatic, Tiger network, novomatic?
About rest time
Sim você falou sobre o mapa de rtp que dura média de 1 semana para hack saw e nolimit city creio que para os outros funcione também depois de grande ganhos ou grandes perdas o melhor e da descanso para a plataforma
Se alguém já testou qual seria para outros provedores tipo PG, pragmático ,rede Tiger , novomatic ?
Sobre o tempo de descanso
Yes you can play it on demo here. Click the icon in the top left hand corner. Choose games and type in the game you want to play in this case aciator
RTP ショットを比較して、カジノ内の私の ID のプロバイダー内で同じ行に従っているかどうかを確認しています。
プロバイダー内の私の ID がカジノ内でのみ共有されるのか、それとも他の人に共有されるのかわかりません
Hi, I created a topic about my research.
I'm comparing the RTP shots to see if they follow the same line within the provider on my ID within the casino
I don't know if my id within the provider is shared only within the casino or if it goes to others
The winning rng or average or retention shots will depend on my winnings and the rtp of the provider's demo within the casino and even the real game and different from the demo on the guru's website
So we can play with real volatility
As for the shots being connected and being the same, I'm studying to see if it matches.
Oi criei um tópico sobre minha pesquisa
Estou comparando os tiros de rtp para ver se seguem a mesma linha dentro do provedor no meu id dentro do cassino
Não sei se meu id dentro do provedor e compartilhado apenas dentro do cassino ou se vai para outros
Os tiros de rng vitória ou de médiana ou de rentençao vai depender das meus ganhos e o rtp da demostração do provedor dentro do cassino e mesmo do jogo real e diferente da demo no site da guru
Então agente consegue jogar com a volatilidade real
Sobres os tiros estarem ligados e serem os mesmo estou estudando para ver se bate
こんにちは、はい、あなたがすでに独自のスレッドを作成していることに気づきました。他のプレイヤーと経験を共有できるこのスレッドをお勧めしました。スレッドがいくつかあるので、私は正しかったです。有益な情報を見つけて、新たな洞察を深めていただければ幸いです。そしてもちろん、あなたの視点に感謝します。 🙂
Hi, yes I noticed that you have already created your own thread and I recommended you this thread where you can also share your experiences with other players since there are several of them, so I was right. I hope that you will find some useful information and enrich yourself with new insights. And of course thanks for your perspective. 🙂
こんにちは、nigeljc59 さんからすでに説明を受けているようです。彼の指摘どおり、上のゲーム タブをクリックしてください。次に、無料ゲームを選択し、試してみたいゲームをそこに書きます。 Aviator も見つけたので、興味があればここでデモ版でプレイできます: https://casino.guru/aviator-play-free 🙂
Hello, I see that you have already received the briefing from nigeljc59, so as he rightly pointed out, just click on the games tab above. Then choose free games and write there what game you would like to try. I also found Aviator, so if you are interested you can play it in demo version here: https://casino.guru/aviator-play-free 🙂
私は利益の価値に基づくべきだと考えており、プロバイダーごとに 1,000 件以降は平均 1 週間の保持期間があるべきだと考えています。
I believe it should be based on the value of the gain and for each provider I believe that from 1 thousand onwards there should be an average of 1 week of retention
Eu creio que deve ser em cima do valor do ganho e de cada provedor creio que a partir dos 1mil deve ser média 1 semana de rentençao
しかし、ゲームがどのように機能するかを見るのは素晴らしいことであり、私が特にプレイするわけではありませんが、これは私のすべてのゲームの中で本物のゲームです。ちょうど 100 ラウンドをプレイし、ゲーム終了時の 10 倍など、まったく同じポイントで停止した場合の計算の流れ 100 ラウンドを賭けた場合、ゲームはポイントに対して 90 を返します。勝つ唯一の方法は、ローショットを待ってプレイすることです。価値
I myself think they are real games of chance lol
About the aviator crash games and the demo version have a completely different RTP
I've already played and the difference is clear from 2 high shots to one miss, unlike the game version 2 misses to one high shot hahaha
But it's great for you to see how the game works and I wouldn't particularly play it, it's a real game in all my games. Line of calculations if you played exactly 100 rounds and stopped at exactly the same point like 10x at the end of the game if you bet 100 rounds the game would return 90 for the point the only way to win and wait for some low shots and play value
Measure and let it rise to 5x or 10 and wait for luck to strike
Eu mesmo acho que são verdadeiros jogos de azar kkk
Sobre os jogos de crash tipo aviador e versao demo tem um rtp completamente diferente
Já joguei e a diferença a clara de 2 tiros altos para um de falha ao contrário da versao de jogo 2 falhas para um tiro alto kkkk
Mais e muito bom para vc ver como jogo funciona e particularmente não jogaria são verdadeiros caçaniques dentro de todas minhas. Linha de cálculos se vc jogasse exatamente 100 rodadas e parasse exatamente no mesmo ponto tipo 10x no final docinta se apostasse 100 rodadas o jogo de devolveria 90 pelo ponto o único geito de ganha e espera alguns tiros baixos e jogar valor
Medio e deixar subir até 5x ou 10e espera a sorte bater
ヒントをありがとう。私はすでにこれらのプロバイダーをテストしています。また、nolimitcityy と go in go については良い経験がありませんでした
Thanks for the tips, I'm already testing these providers, I also didn't have a good experience with nolimitcitiy and play in go
Obrigado pela dicas já estou testando esse provedores também não tive boaesperiencia com nolimitcitiy e play in go
何が笑えるんだ!!それは、現実的な開発者が 100 を超えるスロットを作りに行ったが、スキャッター機能や高額な配当を狙うとなると、それらはすべてゴミだということです。私が離婚したばかりのカジノは、入金に対して賭け金フリースピンを提供せず、ほとんどが実用的かプレインゴで、リターンはゴミなので、プレイする価値はありません。ここで誰かが引用した「ギャンブルをするとすぐにお金を失ってしまったので、勝てばボーナスです。しかし、私にとって最悪のスロットはエジプトのスロット = 死者の書などで、プレイするのが苦痛です」 RTPなんて冗談だよ!!
What makes me laugh!! is that pragmatic developers have gone to make over 100 slots and all of them are rubbish when it comes to hitting the scatter feature or big payouts. A casino I just divorced gives out no wagering free spins on deposits, mostly pragmatic or playngo and the returns are rubbish so not worth playing. I get the point that someone quoted on here saying " I have lost the money as soon as I gamble so if I win it's a bonus. But the very worst slots to me are the Egyptian slots = book of dead etc, painful to play the RTP is a joke!!
私が勝ったエジプトの試合はギザとピラミッドキングだけでした。私がプレイした最も恐ろしいスロットは、Might of Ra、book of Dead、Golden Sand、すべてジョニーハンターです。現実的なゲームは退屈です。たとえ x4000 に到達したとしても、もう幸せを感じることはできません。ハードにプレイすればするほどお金を取り戻せるため、多くのストリーマーが現実的なプレイをしなくなったのはこれが理由です。彼らが作る新しいゲームは本当に冗談です。大きく勝つのは本当に難しい。メガウェイ、リールキングダム、ボナンザも同様。彼らは現在、プレーヤーが常にボーナスを購入することを好みます。これはベーススピンプレーヤーにとって非常に悪いです。
The only egytian games I won was Giza and pyramid king. The most scariest slot I played is might of Ra, book of dead, Golden Sand, all johny hunter. Pragmatic games are boring, even I hit x4000 I wont feel happy anymore. The more you play the hard to you win money back, this is why many stremer don't play pragmatic any more. the new games they make is really a joke. Really hard to win big. megaway, reel kingdom, bonanza also the same. they now prefer a player always buy bonus. This is really bad for base spin players.
Egyptian games have very high volatility and few forms of bonuses. There are a lot of nickel games, you have to make a good separation of the games that pay
And those who will only steal your money
And you have to have a good bankroll suitable for those games to avoid going bankrupt.
Jogos egípcios tem Volatividade muito alta e poucas formas de bônus Tem muito jogos causa níquel tem que fazer uma boa separação dos jogos qie pagam
E os dos qie só vão te roubar seu dinheiro
E tem que ter uma boa banca adequada para aqueles jogos para não quebrar
非常に高いボラティリティ。特にこれらのアイコンは任意の 3 列に表示され、すべての列のゲームを拡張します。良いアイコンを5つ使って大勝利を収め、すべて使い果たしました。ただし、1 回だけで、すべてのお金が戻ってきます。これらのゲームは非常にストレスがかかります。このゲームがすでにボーナスを当てるのが非常に難しいと想像してください。その後、小さなアイコンのライムAまたはKが与えられ、野生を使い果たしました...損失を取り戻すことさえできません。したがって、私はこれらのゲームが乱暴に拡張される可能性があるのを避けるようにしています。高額な報酬は得られますが、当てるのは非常に困難です。
very high volatility. especially those icon appear in any 3 column and it expand all column game. I got a very good win with 5 good icon and expended all. But only once and lose all money back. These game is very stress, imagine this game is already very hard to hit bonus, then they give you small icon lime A, or K, expended the wild....can't even win back your loss. So I try to avoid these game can expanded wild. It will pay big, but very hard to hit.
ワイルドなスパンデックスを持ったエジプト人など、良いスロットだと思いましたが、たとえ強いシンボルが見えたとしても、最も強いシンボルが 3 つまたは 4 つ出れば、良い報酬が得られるだけです。一番強い数字か二番目に多い数字が出てきます。強いので、各行に 1 つずつ取得するのは非常に困難です。つまり、スパン可能なワイルドがあっても、すべての行にスパン可能なワイルドが存在するわけではありません。
I thought it was a good slot, the Egyptians with wild spandex, but find out even if I saw a strong symbol, just the good reward if the 3 or 4 strongest comes out because it has a chance of coming up on all reels if the strongest figure or the second most come out. strong it is very difficult to get one in each row so in short, even with spangable wilds there will not be spangable wilds in all rows
Achei que era um boa slot as egípcias de wild espanciveis mais descobrir mesmo se vim um símbolo forte só da boa recompensa se sair o 3 ou 4 mais forte por ele tem chance de sair em todos Rolos se sair a figura mais forte ou a segunda mais forte é muito difícil sair uma em cada fileira então resumindo mesmo com os wilds espanciveis não vai ter wilds espanciveis todas fileiras
Hi, what casino are you talking about? Can you tell us more about what you like and so on? 😀
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com