Mostbet で 6 日前に 5000$ を獲得しました。しかし、ほとんどの場合、私のアカウントが凍結されました。私に何ができる?
I win 6day ago 5000$ in mostbet. But mostbet frozen my account. What can i do?
Mostbet で 6 日前に 5000$ を獲得しました。しかし、ほとんどの場合、私のアカウントが凍結されました。私に何ができる?
I win 6day ago 5000$ in mostbet. But mostbet frozen my account. What can i do?
your account is under some sort of investigation, did you contact the support please?
They should explain.
Mostbet サイトで飼育された私は 5 ts グリブナを獲得し、私のアカウントはすぐにブロックされました
評価は公正ではありません。私の評価は 1 です
Mostbet site bred I won 5 ts hryvnia and my account was immediately blocked
everything is proof everything happened on the stream
all correspondence recorded on video
You are promoting SCAM
The rating is not fair, my rating is one
Мостбет сайт разводил я выиграл 5 тс гривен и мне тут же блокнули счёт
всё пруфы есть всё происходило на стриме
все переписки записаны на видео
Вы рекламируете МОШЕНИКОВ
Оценка не справедливо завышена моя оценка единица
また、チャットの多くの人が、Mostbet は詐欺であると書いています。
それはrazberateltoです。後で何を言われても、tik tokでストリーミングします
Here such a plate has been hanging for a month money is frozen
can't even justify
Verification completed
Also, many people in the chat wrote that Mostbet is a scam
so please figure it out otherwise abruptly and trust in your site will disappear
it's razberatelto I will stream on tik tok no matter what they tell me later
that i exaggerated something
Вот такая плашка висит уже месяц деньги заморожены
не чем оправдать даже не могут
Верификация пройдена полностью
Так же много людей в чате писали что Мостбет это лохотрон
так что разберитесь пожалуйста а то резко и к вашему сайту доверие пропадет
это разберательтво я буду стримить в тик ток что бы мне потом не говорили
что я что то преувеличил
私の答えを 1 つの投稿に要約させてください。最初から始めてみます。
多くのカジノで、引き出しを送信した直後にアカウントがブロックされることは、それほど珍しいことではありません。それにはいくつかの理由があります。理解する限り、あなたのアカウントは過去に確認されているため、おそらくこれは一種の追加のセキュリティ チェックであり、そのようなチェックは自動的にトリガーされることもあります。または、引き出しを送信してしきい値に達した場合、それらの「制限」はさまざまです。コース。私は、カジノがプレーヤーに通知するべきであることに同意します。それは妥当なことです。ロックされたアカウントに関する何らかのメールを受け取ったというのは正しいと思いますか?あなたはコミュニケーションについて言及しましたが、特定の方法ではありません。
悲しいことに、スクリーンショットを読み取ることができないため、カジノが 1 か月ほど前から何かを調査していると推測しています。特にゲームプロバイダーが関与した場合、ゲームの履歴がさらにチェックされることになります.
苦情チームに協力し、結果を辛抱強く待つ必要がある容疑者。 🙏
Hello pudovpud.
Allow me to summarize my answers in a single post, I'll try to start from the beginning:
It's not so rare, that in tons of casinos, your account is blocked immediately after you submit a withdrawal. There are several reasons for that. As far as understand, your account was verified in the past, so probably this is sort of additional security check, such a check can even be triggered automatically, or if you hit some threshold by submitting the withdrawal, those "limits" can vary of course. I agree that the casino should inform the player, that would be reasonable. Am I assuming correctly that you received some sort of email concerning your locked account? You mentioned communication, but not in a specific way.
It's good that you submitted the complaint. Kindly provide all associated communications, videos, and screenshots right there. Until the complaint is closed, there is no need to mark the casino as a scam. At first, the complaint team will investigate the matter, and only then will be the proper time for further consequences.
Kindly learn more about what you should expect, click/tap this link
Sadly, I can't read any of the screenshots, hence I'm just guessing that the casino has been investigating something for a month or so. Well, it happens, especially if the game provider gets involved, meaning that your gaming history is under further check.
A suspect you should cooperate with the complaint team and wait for the result patiently. 🙏
Wish you a fair ending.
だが !!私はあなたのサイトとあなたが示した評価を信頼しました
完全な検証を行い、電話を 9 日間待ちましたが、その理由がわかりませんでした。
アカウントの確認には 1 ~ 60 日かかります (規則の第 7.9 項による)。
No, you are absolutely wrong here.
In my life I would not deposit a penny in a casino that, after winning, will steal my acc for 2 months
They don’t write about this anywhere, that is, this casino may simply not pay me the money because it wanted to
The fact is that I worked as a casino manager
And I’ll tell you that my account was blocked justified by the fact that my winnings exceeded the amount of deposits made 🙂 and I don’t need to say that this is not so I’m currently broadcasting on twitch
and my viewers saw this casino in unison shouted that it was a swindler
But !! I trusted your site and the rating you indicated
And thus, becoming your referral, I became for you one of the source of income
and in the sum on your site I am registered at 16 casinos and there is no such foolishness with two months of verification !!
I went through full verification, I waited for a call for 9 days and did not understand why?
and now wait another 2 months? Are you serious, tell me if you were in my position, how would you react to this situation ?? it turns out that I was deceived not only by the bridgebet but also by the gurucasino, which I so promoted on the stream, I think that you should either intervene or change the assessment of this casino
And this is what the bot writes to me when I write to the specified mail
Account verification can take from 1 to 60 days (according to clause 7.9 of the rules).
You will be notified of the result of the verification, please wait.
Нет тут вы абсолютно не правы
Я бы в жизни не внес не копейки в казино которое после выигрыша будет мурыжить мой акк 2 месяца
У них об этом не где не написано !тоесть это казино может просто не выплатить мне деньги потому что оно так захотело
Дело в том что я работал менеджером казино
И скажу вам блокировка моего акк оправдана тем что мой выигрыш превысил суму внесённых депозитов 🙂 и не нужно мне говорить что это не так Я сейчас веду трансляции на твич
и мои зрители увидев это казино хором закричали что это разводняк
Но !! я доверился вашему сайту и указанной вами оценке
И тем самым став вашим рефиралом я стал для вас одним из источником заработка
и в суме на вашем сайте я зарегистрирован на 16 казино и там такой дуристики с двумя месяцами верификации нет !!
Я прошел полную верификацию ждал звонка 9 дней так и не понял почему ?сразу нельзя что ли
и теперь ещё жди 2 месяца ? серьезны вы мне скажите вы бы на моем месте как бы отнеслись к данной ситуации ?? получается меня обманул не только мостбет но и гуруказино который я так разпиаривал на стриме я счетаю что вы должны либо вмешается либо изменить оценку данного казино
И вот что мне пишет бот когда я пишу по указанной почте
Проверка учетной записи может занимать от 1 до 60 дней (согласно пункту правил 7.9).
Вы будете уведомлены о результате проверки, пожалуйста, ожидайте.
今でも、あなたの言葉の正確な意味が欠けているように感じます。 🙂 2か月とさらなる調査について言及したのは初めてだからです。
苦情が解決されることを願っています。 ここでクリスティーナを更新してください.🤞
it seems that we do not understand each other quite well from the beggining. Due to the fact tha we're using different languages, I was not even sure about the exact meaning of your first post. so I was answering what I feel you was talkig about. Did you acknowledge this?
"Sadly, I can't read any of the screenshots, hence I'm just guessing that the casino has been investigating something..."
Even now I feel I'm missing the exact meaning of your words. 🙂 Because it's the first time you mentioned 2 months and further investigation.
I'm sure that you are not going to like this, still at least due to AML policy and other internal policies, the casino simply has to investigate irregularitities if found. This may easly became the matter of security, we understand that to avoid spoiling the investigation, player is not fully informed about all details. But will be informed as soon as the investigation is over. That is understandable.
So once again, I do not know what made casino investigate your account, so I can't say if it is alright. This is what the complaint is about to find out.
I won't be happy about that if I were you, but I know that such situation may occure and cooperation is the best approach.
I wish you best of luck with the complaint and please update Kristina here.🤞
Kristina が申し立てで求めたように、関連するすべての連絡事項を提供することで、Kristina がさらに支援できるように最新情報を提供していただければ幸いです。 🤞
I hope that you've updated Kristina as she asked in the complaint, by providing all related comms, so she can help further. 🤞
The complaint has not yet reached any conclusion, so we have to wait a bit for the next update, I think.
まず、問題について説明していただけますか?メナタイムでは、 Casino Guru Resolution Centerについていつでも学ぶことができます。これが私たちがプレイヤーにヘルプを提供する方法です。 😉
Hello there,
can you describe your issue, first? In the menatime, you can always learn more about the Casino Guru Resolution Center . this the way we offer help to players. 😉
みなさんこんにちは。私はプレイヤーID 212788723です。
その後、確認のためにスケジュールを決めるように言われ、Skypeで電話をかけました。私が選んだのは2024年10月12日14:00 GMT+1で、その日は今日でしたが、誰も電話してこなかったので何時間も待っていました。クライアントサービスに連絡しましたが、毎回チケットが閉じられるので、私のデポジットは消えてしまい、誰も何もできません(詐欺会社だと思います)
Hello everyone im The player ID 212788723
At 03/12/2024 i created an account on Mostbet.com i did a deposit after that i received a pop up ( you will find all the pictures below ) i contacted the client service they told me to Contact id@mostbet.com i did and they asked for alot of documents i did send them every single one of them.
after that they told me to pike a schedule for a verification Call in Skype i did pick one it was 10/12/2024 14:00 GMT+1 the day was Today and no one called i was waiting For hours and i did contact the client service They close the ticket every time so my deposit is gone and no one can do someting ( i think its a scam company )
ご覧のとおり、このスレッドは 1 年前に最後に更新されたため、私がすでに返信を投稿したこのカジノの一般スレッドに留まる方がよいかもしれません。
Hello there.
As you can see, this thread was last updated a year ago, so maybe it is better for you to stay in the general thread of this casino where I already posted my reply to you.
No need to post the same thing all over the forum.
Thank you.
TRUSTPILOT の Web サイトで mostbet を検索すると、アカウントの凍結に関する苦情が多数見つかります。私、BURRO は、CASINOGURU を信頼していたため、自分のアカウントが凍結された後に初めて調査に行きました。
Casinoguru さん、ユーザーに対してもっと思いやりを持って、カジノをもっと慎重に評価してください。類似のケースに関する多くの苦情や、一部のプラットフォームの同じ BANDIT 手法を観察し、ユーザーを騙して高得点を与えるのはやめてください。
I'd really like to understand how "casinoguru" rates online casinos.
They give high marks to casinos that cheat and "kidnap" money from their players for days/months, leaving us practically on our own to get out money that is OURS.
Account verifications that take ridiculous amounts of time, when all you have to do is LOOK AT A DOCUMENT.
You search for mostbet on the TRUSTPILOT website and you see MANY complaints about frozen accounts, and I, BURRO, only went to research after having mine frozen, because I trusted CASINOGURU.
I created my account yesterday (03/03/2025) and after making very few bets (approximately 4), today I tried to log in to my account and was faced with the message that it was temporarily frozen and that I should make contact. The same thing I have seen in MANY complaints, they ask for documents and SKYPE, and FOR SURE they will schedule a call after days and will not make ANY CALLS.
Casinoguru, please be more empathetic to your users and start evaluating casinos more carefully. Start observing the MANY complaints of similar cases, the same BANDIT method of acting of some platforms, and stop giving high scores by deceiving your users.
Eu gostaria realmente entender como o "casinoguru" avalia os casinos online.
Eles dão notas altas para casinos que enrolam e "sequestram" valores de seus jogadores por dias/meses, fazendo com que a gente fique praticamente por conta para conseguir sacar o dinheiro que é NOSSO.
Verificações de contas que demoram períodos ridículos, sendo que é simplesmente OLHAR UM DOCUMENTO.
Você pesquisa sobre a mostbet no site TRUSTPILOT e vê DIVERSAS reclamações de conta congelada, e eu, BURRO, só fui pesquisar após ter a minha congelada, pois confiei no CASINOGURU.
Criei minha conta na data de ontem (03/03/2025) e após realizar pouquíssimas apostas (4 aproximadamente), hoje eu tentei entrar em minha conta e me deparei com a mensagem que ela estava congelada temporariamente e que era pra realizar contato. A mesma coisa que eu vi em DIVERSAS reclamações, solicitam os documentos e SKYPE, e COM TODA CERTEZA vão agendar após dias uma ligação e não irão realizar LIGAÇÃO NENHUMA.
Casinoguru, por favor, tenham mais empatia com seus usuários e comecem a ter uma avaliação mais criteriosa nos casinos. Comecem a observar as DIVERSAS reclamações de casos semelhantes, o mesmo método BANDIDO de agir de algumas plataformas, e parem de dar notas altas enganando seus usuários.
当社のカジノ評価については、このガイドをお読みください。必要な情報すべてと、 オンラインカジノをレビューするプロセス全体について学べます。
Hello, I'll start from the end. We deal with every complaint and, as you can see, not every complaint ends in the player's favour. Just what you write tells me that the casino has probably flagged something and therefore needs verification from you. Apparently it will also be a video call which will be necessary according to their words, so you will have to go through that. Without that, you won't be able to make a withdrawal.
As for our casino rating, feel free to read this guide and you will learn everything you need to know and the whole process- How we review online casinos.
Fingers crossed.🤞
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com