それを思い出させてくれてありがとう。 😊
Just awesome. I quite like the last sentence: "you just need to know how to be satisfied..."
Thank you for reminding me of that. 😊
それを思い出させてくれてありがとう。 😊
Just awesome. I quite like the last sentence: "you just need to know how to be satisfied..."
Thank you for reminding me of that. 😊
ご厚意のおかげで、その秘密はすべて、満足する方法を知り、早くたくさん欲しがってラインから外れないことにあります。ハウスは常に勝ちます。この理由でも、遊び方を知らないプレイヤーex 短期間で金持ちになりたいという貪欲、敬虔な幻想
Thanks to you for your courtesy, the secret is all there, in knowing how to be satisfied and never going out of line by wanting a lot and quickly, the house always wins also for this reason, players who don't know how to play ex the greed of wanting to get rich in a short time , pious illusion
Grazie a te x la cortesia, il segreto sta tutto lì, nel sapersi accontentare e non sbarellare mai con il volere tanto e in fretta, il banco vince sempre anche x questo, giocatori che non sanno giocare e x la bramosia di volersi arricchire in poco tempo, pia illusione
これはとても素敵でありながら、非常に深いおしゃべりです。 🙌 とても気に入っています。
It is very refreshing to come across someone like you. To me, you almost sound like someone who is capable of being happy through inner peace and stability. Which in my opinion serves as very natural borders to addictions in general.
This is a very nice yet quite deep chitchat. 🙌 I like that a lot.
I reciprocate the compliments and you see, speaking of addictions, in life I like to try everything (or almost everything), but without becoming a slave to anything, in gaming as in life you have to be able to dominate (in a good way) and never let yourself be dominated, from nothing and no one. A hug
Contraccambio i complimenti e vedi, a proposito di dipendenze, a me nella vita piace provare di tutto (o quasi), ma senza diventare schiavo di niente, nel gioco come nella vita bisogna riuscire a dominare (in senso buono) e mai farsi dominare, da niente e da nessuno. Un abbraccio
ですから、それはとても正しい意見だと思いますし、あなたは自分の人生をきちんと整えていて、自分が何を望んでいるのかを知っているようです。そういう人がもっと増えて、同じような考え方の人が増えるといいなと思います。自分でコントロールできることをコントロールすることが基礎となるので、長い間うまくやっていけると思います。良い1日を。 🙂
So I think that's a very correct opinion and it looks like you have your life in order and you know what you want. I wish there were more people like that and they had a similar mindset. I think you'll do well with one for a long time, because having things under control that you can control is the foundation. Have a nice day. 🙂
I also thank you for the kind words, as far as blackjack is concerned, remember that before betting money you must be able to play each hand to the maximum of the mathematical odds, I say this because by playing (a lot) I see people betting even large sums despite being completely ignorant on this matter and this is also why the casino always wins
Ringrazio anche te x le belle parole, x quanto riguarda il blackjack ricordati che prima di scommettere soldi devi essere in grado di giocare ogni mano al massimo delle probalità matematiche, dico questo perchè giocando (tanto) vedo persone scommettere anche cifre importanti pur essendo completamente ignoranti in materia ed è anche x questo che il casinò vince sempre
こんにちは 🙂 そうです、ブラック ジャックの話に戻りましょう!
Hi 🙂 You're right, back to Black Jack!
Could you give an example of how to play the session in accordance with your suggestion, please?
I want to be sure I understand accordingly.
Hi, you will understand that I can't explain everything here, I'm just saying that once you have learned to manage every single hand as best as possible based on your cards and that of the croupier, remember to increase the stakes after every game you win, never do the opposite
Ciao, capirai che qui non è che possa spiegare tutto, dico solo che una volta che hai imparato a gestire ogni singola mano al meglio in base alle tue carte e a quella del croupier, ricorda di aumentare la posta dopo ogni partita vinta, non fare mai il contrario
秘密主義については理解できませんが、尊重します。このヒントをありがとう! 🙌
Hi there.
I do not understand the secrecy, but I respect that. Thanks for this tip! 🙌
Hi, sorry but you don't understand the secrecy? Do you have a method in your hands that allows you to earn money every day as if it were a job and you are going to flaunt it to everyone? Come on then...
Ciao, scusa ma non comprendi la segretezza? Te hai in mano un metodo che ti permette di guadagnare ogni giorno come se fosse un lavoro e vai a sbandierarlo a tutti? Dai su...
I think that in a long run, the player will eventually lose, and I can't imagine that a person can make money every day from the casino as if it were a job. Of course, if you don't want to share, you don't have to, because it's your personal choice. I hope you continue to do well.
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