スロットで人々が話す方法はすべて、勝率が 30% 程度だそうです。面白いのは、彼らのビデオの大半で、30% 以上勝っているところが紹介されていることです🤣😂 残念ながら、とても不誠実です。とても悲しいです。
引き続きお知らせします。これまでのところ、聖杯、ホイールの破壊、ドクターペッパー、プロのようにプレイするなどの方法を試しても運がありません。10 回のセッションのうち、勝率は 30% ~ 50% 程度です。
あなたのお気に入りのシステムは何ですか? 負けたときはどのように対応しますか? 30% 以上の確率で何かに勝ちますか?
Oh no, the app is free, and I do my practice runs at home, never at the casino. The only thing I bring to the casino is a piece of paper and a pencil. I was trying to see if I could figure out a way to make money consistently on slots. I watched a handful of YouTubers talking about low-volatility machines and building up bankrolls, and I did bring my phone with me. Sitting at the different machines: double diamond, blazing 7's, pinball, top dollar, I would keep a record of dead spins, underpayouts, and overpayouts.
All of the methods people talk about on slots seem to have a 30% chance at most of winning. The funny thing is that a majority of their videos show them winning more than 30% of the videos🤣😂 It's very disingenuous, unfortunately. Pretty sad.
So now I'm trying to see if roulette is different, though I don't have to actually spend money to test tactics/strategies like with slots.
I'll keep you posted. So far, no luck with trying things like the holy grail, break the wheel. Dr. Pepper or play like a pro. all of them only won maybe 30%-50% out of 10 sessions.
What's your favorite system? how do you respond to loses? do you win something more than 30% of the time?