本作がお気に入りですか?高額賞金を獲得したのですか?技術的な問題が発生したのですか?Mine Islandに関するディスカッションであれば、こちらをご利用ください。
Do you mean something by this answer or not ? Do you have any experience with the game ? Honestly it doesn't have much of a telling value, so it would be best if you tried something meaningful.
I must have had this withdrawal for a week they tell me that it takes between two and three days then it's been 3 to 5 days still nothing I've made any deposits to play everything is fine if the year you took them now to pay me they're taking it for a long time
devo avere questo prelievo da una settimana mi dicono che ci vogliono tra e due e tre giorni poi sono passati da3 a 5 giorni ancora nulla ho fatto dei versamenti per giocare tutto apposto se l'anno presi ora per pagarmi la stanno portando per le lunghe
I'm so angry that I wrote to you deposit I made a withdrawal from Friday and still nothing I'll send you the photo
Sto talmente infuriato che ti ho scritto deposito ho fatto un prelievo da venerdì e ancora nulla ti mando la foto
どのカジノでプレイしているか教えていただけますか? そこから始めるのがよいですし、私たちがアドバイスできるかもしれません。では、今は重要な部分に焦点を当てましょう:
Frankly, we are not the company you sent the money to. Please understand that we are not even a casino.
Can you tell us which casino you play at? That would be a great start, and we may be able to suggest help. So, for now, let's focus on the important part:
We are not a casino.
We need to know to whom you sent the deposit.
こんにちは、jekpotfrenzyサイトでプレイしました。初めて入金し、賞金500ユーロを出金しました。リクエストは4月26日に行われました。スクリーンショットをお送りします。 苦情が多すぎて疲れ果て、どうしたらいいのかわからず、警察に通報しようかとも思った
Hi I played on the jekpotfrenzy site I made some deposits now for the first time I made a withdrawal of a winnings of 500 euros the request was made on April 26th I will send you the screenshot I made so many complaints that I was exhausted, I didn't know what to do, I thought about reporting it to the police
Ciao ho giocato al sito jekpotfrenzy ho fatto dei versamenti ora per la prima volta ho fatto un prelievo di una vincita di 500 euro la richiesta lo fatta il 26 aprile scorso ti mando lo screenshot Ho fatto talmente di quei reclami che mi anno portato allo sfinimento non so cosa fare avevo pensato di fare la denuncia dai carabinieri
こんにちは。このような状況に陥って申し訳ありませんが、すでに述べたように、 カジノの適切なスレッドに固執してください。フォーラム全体に広める必要はありません。ありがとうございます。
Hello. Sorry for the situation you have found yourself in, but as I already said, please stick to the right thread of the casino, there is no need to spread it all across the forum. Thank you.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com