一緒に行く気はある。メールを送ってくれれば、必要な詳細をお送りします。Goldenbet は私に何千ドルも借りがあるのに、返金は受けていません。
I’m up for coming together. Send me the email and I’ll send through the details you need. Goldenbet owes me thousands but I never got a refund from them.
どの銀行ですか? そしてどの商店ですか? これは銀行が言ったのですか、それとも商店が言ったのですか?
Which bank? And which merchant? Has the bank said this or the merchant?
新しいアカウントを設定して Chromebook を整理する必要があります。うまくいけば多くの人が参加してくれるでしょう 🙂 今夜やるかもしれません。そうでない場合は明日必ず整理します x
I will need to set up a new account and sort my chromebook out hopefully lots will get on board 🙂 may do it tonight if not I will sort it tomorrow for sure x
あなたも彼らから何か得られるといいですね 🙂 彼らは扱いにくい集団です
How have you contacted the merchants? Definitely submit the GC complaint, hopefully it'll get them shut down as they've got previous charges in Australia, Sweden and Spain for this kind of thing
Hope you get something out of them too 🙂 they're not an easy bunch to deal with
私は賛成です。私は彼らからスクリーンショットとかなりの数のメールを受け取りました。そのうちの1つはサンテダとのつながりを完全に否定し、そのウェブサイトのスクリーンショットには「サンテダインターナショナル」と書かれていました。証言する前にもう一度よく見ればよかったのですが、グーグルで本物に見えました... 彼らに敬意を表する点が1つあるとすれば、これらの「ビジネス」は表面的には合法的に見えることです。
I'm up for that, i've got screenshots and a fair few emails from them, one of them denying ties with Santeda altogether, alongside screenshots of their website saying "Santeda International" on it, really wish i took a second look before i depo'd, but google made them look authentic... If there's one thing i've got to give them credit for, these "businesses" look legitimate on the face of it
I read an article in this. They never actually paid the charges. Google it, recent articles a few days ago on it all
おそらく返答しないか、返金を拒否すると思います。しかし、48 時間待って、返答がなければ銀行などを通じて対処するつもりです。
I scoured this forum for the relevant email addresses (hoping they’re correct) and sent them all an individual email detailing (in short) that they’re misuse of MCC on my bank statements is illegal, and that I have not purchased anything from them, as they are typically sites not relating to gambling e.g. a crypto/NFT site that has nothing to do with GoldenBet.
I imagine they either won’t reply, or will decline the refunds. But I’ll give them 48 hours then I’ll raise I’ll go through my bank etc if they don’t reply.
I'd raise through the bank, Elegro basically say they don't care unless the banks go to them, that's generally Nikotpf merchants though, these shady companies use a multitude of third party processors, which is another entire legal issue within itself (data protection and money laundering)
Before you go to the bank though go through the thread and think about which way you want to go at them, as generally speaking as soon as some banks see gambling they generally wash their hands of it
Thank you for the advice,
i don’t think in my case it’s possible to create an angle that isn’t confessing to the gambling. As there’s 100s of transactions made over a 3 month period, so they’d easily identify a pattern and not much I can make up to cover that.
id have to hope the honesty and severity of the situation resonates with the bank, in some cases from the thread it sounds like this did happen.
and if the bank wash their hands with it, that’ll just create a bigger complaint from them. It’s one thing an offshore company having no duty of care, but a bank in the UK should, I imagine it’s pretty easy to highlight this.
銀行に関しては、グレーゾーンだと思います。銀行には注意義務があるはずですが、可能な場合は手をこまねいているでしょう。関係当局は、これらの Web サイトのクリーンアップを間違いなくもっとしっかり行うべきです。あなたが彼らと親身になってくれるエージェントを見つけられることを願います。書類上では、多くの問題を指摘するのは簡単ですが、親身になってくれないエージェントに当たれば、彼らはただ拒否してオンブズマンの詳細を転送するだけです。目に見えないものは忘れ去られるようなもので、悲しいことに私はその状態です。
I think it's a grey area as far as the banks are concerned, they should have a duty of care but when possible they'll wash their hands of it, the relevant authorities definitely should be doing a better job of cleaning up these websites. I do hope you find a sympathetic agent with them. On paper it's easy to highlight a lot of the issues but if you get an unsympathetic agent they'll just decline then forward you ombudsmen details, out of sight out of mind kind of thing, which is sadly where i'm at.
それはひどいですね。どの銀行を利用しましたか? 私の場合は主に Monzo ですが、Santander も利用します。
That’s awful mate, which bank did you go through? Mine will be mainly Monzo but also Santander.
im hoping I can get lucky with the merchants, if not, I’ll have to resort to the bank and then just see if I get lucky with that.
I hope these merchants reply, or give an ETA, as I’ll be anxiously waiting now to know where I’m at.
For sure. I have a complaint with Tesco waiting, over a year I sent them 3 emails of me asking them to block my card and stop me gambling and three times they didn’t do it, I’m hoping they will accept and clear my debt owed. NatWest and Santander I put complaints in and they have both raised chargebacks on my behalf that accumulates about 3k. Fingers crossed.
Chase は絶対に使いません。この件が終わったら、実際に Chase のアカウントを閉鎖するつもりです。運が良ければ、または商店主の神経を逆撫でして返事をもらえるといいのですが、メールを送ってから 72 時間待ってから銀行に追跡して、その間にメール、カジノのアカウント、KYC の証明など、できる限りのあらゆるものをスクリーンショットしてください。より簡単にアクセスできるように、フォルダーに整理してください。
Chase, i wouldn't ever use them, once all this has come to a conclusion i'm actually going to close my account with them. I hope you do get lucky or hit a nerve with the merchants and get a response, i'd give them 72 hours since you emailed then chase it with the bank, screenshot anything and everything you can in the meantime, whether it be emails, accounts with the casinos, proof of KYC, everything. Organize it into folders too so you can access it more easily.
おい、明日か、遅くなるかどうかにもよるが今晩遅くに手続きを始めるよ。CGB でカラカコのギャンブル ライセンス法を見れば、役に立つ情報がある。君が自分の管轄区域で提供されるべきではない制限付きゲームをプレイしたので、彼らはライセンス契約に違反した。このゲーム プレイの証拠は何かあるか? サンテダ グループは最悪だ。メール アカウントを設定して、みんなでサンテダ グループと、彼らのプラットフォームで参加しているすべてのカジノを訴え、彼らが本当は犯罪者であることを暴露できるようにしよう。参加したい場合は、ユーザー名、場所、カジノの金額 (リクエストがあれば他のメンバーには非表示にできる) が必要だ。などなど。私たちが数の力で団結すれば、苦情は私たちの意図でサンテダの 3 つの組織に送られ、カラカコの ADR にも送られ、その後ライセンス当局に送られるだろう。正直に言って、英国とその管轄区域の法律を完全に破っているにもかかわらず、彼らから払い戻しを受けたという話はまだ聞いたことがありません。SMH Donbet は、期限切れのジャズ ライセンスの下でまだ取引を行っています。彼らのすべてが衝撃的です。
Hun I am starting a proceeding tomorrow or maybe later on this evening depending on how late it gets. Take a look at the Caracaco gambiling licence laws on CGB it has some informative information. As you played a restricted game that should not have been offered to your jurisdiction they broke their licence agreements. Have you any evidence of this game play for proof? Santeda group are the worse. I am setting up an email account so we all as a collective can bring a case against santeda group and all the casinos we have joined on their platforms and exposing them for the criminals they really are. So if you want to participate, I will need user names at casinos your locations what casinos amounts (this can be hidden from other members if requested). So forth and so on, If we come together as a collective strength in numbers the complaints will go to three organisations santeda with our intentions and also to a ADR in caracaco and then the Licencing authorities. I honestly haven't heared of anyone getting refunds from them yet even though they are completely breaking the laws of UK and their jurisdiction SMH Donbet is still trading under a jazz licence that's expired the whole lot of them are shocking.
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