Falcora ファイナンスは銀行振込だと思いますか?
I’m assuming your Falcora finance is bank transfers?
if so good luck man, I never got anything back from Falcora and banks refused to help
やあ、アドバイスに従ってチャージバックを依頼した取引のうち 3 件に返答があったんだけど、拒否されて、詐欺の可能性があるって言われたんだ! どうしよう、どうしよう... あと 47 件残っているけど、今はすごくビビってるし、詐欺のようなことがあれば報告するって言われてる! 同じ業者に 50 回もチャージバックしたし、間違った MCC コードを使って違法カジノでギャンブルしたからだと正直に言ったのに、今は本当に怖い... 助けて
Hey, ive just had a response to 3 of the transactions I requested a chargeback on following the advice and they've said no and said I'm potentially committing fraud! What the he'll do I do... there's another 47 to go but now I'm freaked out to the max and they are saying they will report on such things as fraud! Im actually so scared now I've done 50 chargebacks to the same merchant and was totally honest saying they were for gambling on an illegal casino using wrong mcc code.... helppppp
基本的に、私はギャンブルサイトを通じて入金し、その後、obpays.com というサイトに移動し、そこで私の Monzo からお金が引き落とされていました。
Hello, yes Falcora was bank transfers.
basically, I would deposit through the gambling site, which then took me to a site called obpays.com which then took the money from my Monzo.
うわー、elegro.com が言及されていると言い続けましたが、それが私のサイトの 1 つだとは思っていませんでした。
finnart と Pixeleum に感謝します。もう一度、Pixeleum サイトにアクセスして、そこにあるメール アドレスに連絡しましたか?
このフォーラムで falcora finance も探してみようと思います。
Wow I kept saying elegro.com mentioned but didn’t think it was one of mine.
I tried to search for that site and it says that domain is up for sale? I’ll try look through the forum to see how to contact them, or at least to give my bank their details to do the chargeback.
thank you for finnart and pixeleum, again, did you just go through the pixeleum site and contact the email address there?
I’ll also try find falcora finance in this forum.
again, can’t thank you enough for your help
当社のプラットフォーム上のすべての取引は 3DS で保護されており、お客様はそれを認識しています。
hi I received this back from the owner of Destream. Any advice
Please don’t message me.
All transactions on our platform are 3DS secured and you were aware of them.
I understand that tipping is emotional, but does not mean that you can just ask refunds and write text which is completely not about our platform.
If you think that something wrong you can always ask for the chargeback through your bank and then we will go for arbitrage and special department of banks will check everything. If you are right, you will receive your money, if not, you will pay also a fine.
Thank you.
Don’t message me anymore, thank you for understanding.
All other messages will be evaluated as spam and scam.
Utter fraudster, there is no fine to pay if chargebacks are not successful.
これは、チャージバックを止めさせるために行われるものです。私がチャージバックすると言った後、Velobet からメッセージが届き、管轄法に違反して違法行為をしていると言われましたが、これは真実ではありません。UKGC のアドバイスに従う必要があるのは運営者であり、無認可のカジノなどのプレイヤーではありません。彼らを訴えて、銀行に脅迫されたことを通知すれば、彼らが詐欺師であることがわかります。
This is just done to make you stop any chargebacks, Velobet once messaged me after I said I am charging back and said that I was acting illegally by breaking my jurisdiction law which is untrue as it’s the operators who must follow UKGC advice not the player for unlicensed casino etc. Just get them raised and then notify bank that you have been threatened by them this showing they are fraudsters.
I thought so thank you for confirming. He then followed up by calling me a scammer and trying to scam their business lol
Currently dealing with goldenbet myself, the amount of BS they've spewed is unreal, they refuse to help or even admit any wrongdoing, i tagged them with the uk gambling commission etc after making a complaint and they would reply in separate emails, clearly criminals. If there's one thing i'd say it's submit a complaint to the UK gambling commission via their email info@gamblingcommission.gov.uk
I've submitted mine, one might put their name on the UKGC watch list, more might get a full blown investigation
私もギャンブル委員会に苦情を申し立てます! うまく解決することを祈っています
Yeah I figured they would be like that. I’m going to send a huge complaint to them soon, but I’ve contacted the merchants first to see what can be done with chargebacks.
I’ll submit a complaint to the gambling commission as well! I hope you get somewhere with it mate
彼は怖がって逃げています。つまり、あなたがコンテンツ クリエイターに寄付をしたと見せかけているのです。もしそうだとしたら、取引にはあなたが寄付したとされるコンテンツ クリエイターの記録も含まれるはずです。あなたはその情報を入手する必要があります。理論的には、その領収書も持っているはずです。そして、あなたが寄付をしたように見えるので、そのクリエイターのプロフィールの詳細を見せて、そのコンテンツを見ることができると思います。別のメールアドレスをお持ちですか? もしあるなら、彼にもう一度メールして、彼や彼のあからさまな嘘に怯んでいないこと、そしてあなたのメールに対する反応が非常によく表れていることを伝えてください。あなたは、欧州のGDPRの下ではdestreamやコンテンツクリエーターとは何の関係もないので、destreamがあなたに関して保持しているすべての情報、寄付/クリエーターの詳細を要求します。彼がこれが起こったことをほのめかしているのであれば、記録を保持する必要があるからです。あなたは、必要に応じて宿泊施設を利用できるので(いざとなったら)、キプロスの法廷にまでこの問題を持ち込むこともいといません。そこまでになったとしても、私はギリシャ系/キプロス人と結婚していて、キプロス北部のラルナカに家があり、キプロス中を旅行できるので、滞在する場所があります。うまくいけば、そうなってはいません。また、destreamや不正な無許可のMMCに関する情報を共有しているフォーラムが多数あることも明記してください。これは偶然で、すべて間違っているのでしょうか?人々は実際の郵便番号やICコードなどを共有し、世界中のさまざまな銀行から支払いが行われています。また、銀行のメールアドレスとCcを調べてください。これはサイバーアクション詐欺だと思います。地元警察
頑張れよガール xx
What a peice of S....t Did you Cc in the local police in the area and also get all the transaction details from bank with location where payment went ?
He is running scared . So he is making out you have made a donation to a content creator If that's the case the transaction will have a record of the content creator you where suppose to have donated too .you need to get that information and in theory you would have a recipt for it ,and I should imagine showing the details of said creators profile so you can see their content as you apparently made a donation . Have you another email address if so email him again Telling him that you are not intimidated by him and his blatant lies and the reaction to your email is quite telling .As you have no affiliation with destream or any content creator under the European GDPR you request all information that destream holds on you The donation /creator details if he is implying that this is what happened as they need to keep records .You are more than happy to take this matter further even to a court of law in Cyprus as you have access to accommodation for as long as needed (which push comes to shove )you will have somewhere to stay if it goes that far as I am married to a greek/Cypriot and have a place in larnaca on northern side of Cyprus and can travel all over Cyprus. hopefully it won't come to that .Also stipulate that there is many forums sharing information about destream and fraudulent unauthorised MMC . Is it a coincidence and all wrong? people even sharing actual postcodes Sic codes ect where paymets have ended up provided by different banks around the globe . Also find out your bank email and Cc in Cc i think it's cyber action fraud the local police
Also tell him you where also made aware that he would use this tactic but you won't be intimidated or threatened by anyone .You can either settle it amicably or go down legal route .If you have access to the gambiling site still find the transactions to cross ref it so he hasn't got a case .
Go.kick.ass gurl xx
カラカコにこれらのカジノに対処するADRがあることを皆さんはご存知ですか。今、私たち全員が団結してサンタナBVを倒し、集団で苦情を申し立てるべきだと思います。集団の数は力なり。CGC法を調べてください。新しいメールアドレスを設定して、すぐに取り掛かりたいと思います。必要なのは、さまざまなカジノのユーザー名、金額、名前、場所だと思います。それから、私よりも知性があり、句読点が上手な人が必要です。私のは哀れなほどです。言い訳はありますが、最近脳炎と髄膜炎にかかり、読み書き、歩き、話すことを学ばなければなりませんでした。🙃 非常に雄弁な人ですが、喜んでデータを収集し、CGBとADRに送信します。数は力なり。皆さんはどう思いますか🤔
Did you guys know that their is a ADR in Caracaco to deal.with these casinos now i think we all.should come together and bring down Santana bv and all put in a collective complaint .against the group power in numbers check out the CGC laws now I am happy to set up a new email address and get ball rolling I think what I would need is casinos user names on various casinos amounts names and locations , then I would need someone with more intelligence than me and better punctuation as mine is pitifully. I do have an excuse though I recently had encephalitis and meningitis and had to learn to read write walk.and talk .🙃 Someone who is very articulate but i am more than happy to collect the data and we send it off to the CGB and the ADR enough is enough strength in numbers what do people think 🤔
Response is on its way it's been flagged they need to look over it 🤭
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com