HSBC は面倒です。残念ながら役に立たないです。どうすればいいのか分かりません。
Hsbc is a pain. They are useless unfortunately. Dont know what to do with them.
HSBC は面倒です。残念ながら役に立たないです。どうすればいいのか分かりません。
Hsbc is a pain. They are useless unfortunately. Dont know what to do with them.
こんにちは、ポール。このスレッド内でプロセスを簡単に見つける方法はありますか? 1 ページ目から確認してみましたが、複数の異なるシナリオがあるようなので、プロセスの詳細がどこにあるかわかりません。
Hello Paul, is there a quick way to find the process within this thread? I did just try to go through from page 1 but appears there are multiple different scenarios so I’m unsure where the process details are?
2133 EXT 22 EMBALENHLE, MPUMALANGA, 2285 南アフリカ 親愛なる友人、お元気でいらっしゃることを願っています。
pnmm という会社を探しているのですが、見つかったのはこの住所だけです。
2133 EXT 22 EMBALENHLE, MPUMALANGA, 2285 South Africa my dear friend I hope you are well.
I'm looking for the company pnmm and all I found is this address.
Do you know anything more?
2133 EXT 22 EMBALENHLE, MPUMALANGA, 2285 South Africa αγαπητή μου φίλη ελπίζω να είσαι καλά.
Ψάχνω την εταιρεία pnmm και το μόνο που βρήκα είναι αυτή η διεύθυνση.
Μήπως ξέρεις κάτι περισσότερο
Ok im at work bud so cannot do one on ones with everyone all day sorry to say you just raise them incorrect mcc and if denied raise a complaint then keep protesting if all fails it goes to the fos thats it
No problem mate, and again, really appreciate your guidance (especially while you’re working).
you must feel pretty strongly about these instances, as do I, and I hope if I manage to recuperate funds, I’ll begin doing some kind of work on the side to help others going through this.
Well yes I do and I like helping others as would not like them left feeling the way I was, I have almost got all my money back still waiting on the bank so not wanting to mess it up really but still willing to offer support to fellow strugglers there is no magic formulae really apart from convincing the banks you are a problem gambler trying to recover the fact I was on a referral from gamcare and getting therapy helped my cause and then you just need to stress the fact they are standing in the way of you getting your money back easily and also your mental health I broke down on the phone a few times over the two episodes and im a big strong guy but the strong words from the bank gambling advisor brought it out of me the reality of what ive been doing
I can relate, and it’s good to finally hear someone further ahead of me that is doing well.
I’ve been suicidal since this has happened, feeling helpless, already started therapy for the gambling but as you said, this is standing in my way as I simply can’t process what I’ve done, almost like a blackout.
its great to know that by being honest, there can be some help and money returned.
このフォーラムの参加者全員が最悪の日々を過ごしたと思います。今できることは、お金を取り戻すためにできることをすることと、二度と無認可のカジノに行かないようにすることだけです。私たちの 80% がギャンブル関連の借金を抱えていると確信しています。そのため、最も良い方法は、借金を減らす努力をし、ギャンブルを制限することです。
I imagine everyone in this forum has had their darkest days, all you can do now buddy is do what you can to get the money back and never go to an unlicensed casino again. I’m pretty sure 80 percent of us have gambling related debt so best thing to do is work on getting that debt down then limiting gambling.
also mate when doing chargeback make sure you tell the bank you did authorise the transactions, it will go through as fraud otherwise and be declined. Mention wrong merchant codes were used therefor services they have said they have supplied are false. The bank will deny you at first as they are now told to dismiss any gambling related chargeback straight away, you’ll have to make a complaint and then they usually will put them through for you as wrong mcc code used and services not provided. I’ve won some and lost some but most merchants don’t reply to the chargeback as they would then be admitting to transaction laundering.
Hello mate,
Absolutely, a problem shared is a problem halved.
im already working on bringing down the debt, but had just accepted there was no way for me to ever see this money again. This forum has given me a sense of positivity or change that some money can be returned, especially due to the unethical way these offshore companies take the money and apply no duty of care.
I’ve simply just not had a clue how to approach the entire thing.
but I’m now going to speak to my bank about the various merchants used to process these transactions and see where that takes me.
I wish you all the best mate, you’re on the right track and that’s all that matters. I think the hardest part is knowing the next X amount of years are going to be used repaying debt etc. but ultimately after that, I’m sure the relief and the lessons learned will make us incredibly powerful in the future and can look back on this more positively, because it’ll be over.
I’ll keep my updates on here, and hope I can spread some positive ones.
Thanks mate lets hope we all get over this Ive had a lot of false dawns but hopefully not this time I am deffo never going on these sites again Ive bought premium bonds and do the lottery now.
アドバイスが必要なら、ここには手助けできる人がたくさんいます。私ならチャージバックを処理し、できるだけ多くの販売業者のメールを探します (以前ここにたくさんリストされていると思うので、簡単に見つかるはずです)。10 ページ目あたりに戻ってみると、販売業者に直接返金してもらうためにメールを送信するために人々が使用しているフォーマットがあります。私は直接メールを送信して、lunu から約 2,000 ドルを返金してもらいました。
if you need advise mate there’s plenty of people on here who can lend you a hand, what I would do is process chargebacks, and find as many merchants emails as you can (I imagine a lot of them have been listed on here previously so should be easy to find). If you look back to about the 10th page there’s a format that people have been using to send emails to the merchants to get a direct refund, I got around 2k back from lunu from emailing them directly.
そうです。そして彼らは何も悪いことをしていないと主張します😞 彼らのやっていることはひどいです。
Yep and then they claim to be not doing anything wrong 😞 it's awful what they are doing.
銀行がブロックして、10 社ほどの異なる支払い処理業者を経由し、ようやく機能する業者が見つかるまで、彼らがあなたからお金を受け取るためにどれだけ努力しているかを考えると、すべてが公正であると主張するのはちょっと冗談です。すべてはよく計画され、考え抜かれています。
Yip bit of a joke to claim its all above board when you see the lengths they are going to taking money from you as the bank blocks it then it loops through about 10 different payment processors until one works so its all been well planned and thought out
これらがオンラインで何であるかを見つけるのは難しいですが、pixeleum は一種の NFT サイトであることがわかりました。
次のステップとして、直接連絡して返金を依頼するのが最善でしょうか? それとも、まず銀行に持ち込んでチャージバックを依頼するのが最善でしょうか。
預金の大部分は Falcora Finance を通じて行われたので、私にとってはそれが大きな目標になるでしょう。
Thank you.
I’ve gone through my Merchants (assuming these are what’s shown on my bank statements) :
Falcora Finance LTD
Nikotpf 21mastery LTD
Falcora Finance
Nikotpf Fintech fc LTD
It is hard to find what these are online, but found pixeleum is some kind of NFT site.
so next step, is it best try contact them directly asking for a refund? Or is it best to take this to the bank first and ask for a chargeback.
the main amount of deposits went through Falcora Finance, so that will be the big one for me to go for.
Nikopft は elegro.com であり、払い戻しを処理するには銀行が Nikopft に連絡する必要があると言われます (そのため、チャージバックのルートを使用する必要があります)
finnart とpixeleumは同じ会社が所有しており、銀行取引明細書の提示を求めた後は無視されます(チャージバックも行われます)
フォーラムのどこかで誰かが falcora finance のメールについて言及していましたが、他の商人についても同様です。
Nikopft is elegro.com they will tell you that in order to process a refund your bank must contact them (so you’ll have to go chargeback route for that)
finnart and pixeleum are owned by the same company and will ask you for bank statements then ignore you (process chargeback against them also)
someone mentioned an email for falcora finance somewhere in the forum, same with the rest of the merchants.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com