rile15 様
- プレーヤーが出金リクエストを正常に行ったことがない
- ユーザーの最後の入金は 2023 年 8 月 1 日でした
- 最後の入金後、7 回連続の無料アクション (入金不要ボーナス) が使用されました。これはカジノの規則で禁止されており、プレイヤーがカジノから受け取った各メールに記載されています。
- オーストラリアのプレーヤーのみがカジノに書類を提出する必要があるのに対し、他のプレーヤーの場合は支払い方法を通じて行われるため、認証は必要ありませんでした。
- 残りの残高は AUD123.73 ですが、係争中の賞金は入金なしの 7 回連続の入金不要ボーナスによるものであるため、ユーザーはボーナスを受け取る資格がありません。
- 残りの残高で何ができるかについては 2 つのオプションがあります - 楽しんで遊ぶか、拒否される出金をリクエストするかのどちらかです
これはあなたのケースに適用されるルールです( こちらから入手できます):
" プレイヤーは複数の無料ボーナスを連続して引き換えることはできません。1 つの入金不要ボーナスを引き換えた後に別のボーナスが提供された場合、2 つ目の入金不要ボーナスを引き出す資格を得るには、その間にリアルマネーで入金する必要があります。 」
そこで、rile15 さん、いくつかの疑問が生じました。
最後のボーナスまでに入金せずに 7 回目の入金不要ボーナスを獲得できた場合、その方法で獲得した賞金を受け取る権利はありませんのでご注意ください。
Dear rile15,
I was in contact with the casino recently, and this is the information I have received:
- The player never made the withdrawal request successfully
- The user's last deposit was on 8/1/2023
- After the last deposit, 7 free actions (no-deposit bonuses) in a row were used, which is prohibited by the casino's rules and mentioned in each email that the player received from the casino
- Verification was not required because only Australian players need to provide the casino with their documents, while for others it takes place through a payment method
- The remaining balance is AUD123.73, but since the disputed winnings are from the 7th consecutive no-deposit bonus without making any deposit, the user is not eligible for them
- There are 2 options for what can be done with the remaining balance - either to enjoy it and play with it or to request a withdrawal which will be denied
This is the rule applied in your case (available HERE):
"Players cannot redeem multiple free bonuses consecutively. If you have redeemed one No Deposit Bonus and are subsequently offered another one, a real-money deposit needs to have been made in the interim for you to be eligible to withdraw the second No Deposit Bonus."
So, rile15, a few questions arose.
Can you confirm the points stated above? If anything happened differently, can you put it in perspective?
Is there a chance you can send me proof of the communication in which the casino informed you about the reason for your inability to withdraw your winnings - your country of residence, as you claimed?
Unfortunately, the screenshots you provided earlier confirm the casino's claims and decision.
Please note that in case you managed to win from the 7th no-deposit bonus without depositing before the last one, you are not entitled to the winnings obtained in such a way.
We are talking about free money given by the casino. Casinos have the right to limit it as they see fit, and we accept it if it is not against our Fair Gambling Codex or policy. It is a common and industry-standard rule, and you agreed with the casino's rules during registration or upon each bonus claim. If players were allowed to play with no-deposit bonuses as they wanted, and they could only win and withdraw winnings accumulated from them, it would not make sense for online casinos to provide their services at all. It cannot work like that. Therefore, if players want to play for free and possibly withdraw some winnings, in case of no-deposit bonuses, they are obliged to comply with the rules, which is understandable.