証拠を提供していただきありがとうございます、IceBet Casino。
Allreels アカウントの閉鎖に関する電子メールが送信されたという証拠をカジノから受け取りました。この通信は、他の通信と同じ方法であなたの電子メール アドレスに送信されました。受信トレイにメールが存在しない理由は不明ですが、誤ってメールを削除した可能性は否定できません。それにもかかわらず、カジノはあなたの電子メール アドレスに送信した証拠を私たちに提供しました。
IceBet Casino に登録する際、変更された情報 (特に電子メール、追加の単語を含む都市、および変更された居住地住所) を提供したため、システムのブロック メカニズムを回避し、プロジェクト規制に違反して登録したことになります。
さらに、いつでもアカウントを閉鎖し、利用規約を終了し、アカウントに記載されている連絡先詳細を通じて書面による通知を提出することは、カジノの特権の範囲内です。以前に通常に開設されていたアカウントに関連するすべての財務上の義務 (何らかの債務がある場合) が解決された後、カジノはその裁量でアカウントを閉鎖する権限を保持します。このポリシーは、ほとんどのカジノの業界標準に準拠しています。
Icebet カジノのリスク部門は、ユーザー名「MIRAIN」のカジノ アカウントの詳細な調査を実施しました。アカウント「MIRAIN」 - カジノのセキュリティチェックに合格しませんでした。
Thank you for the provided evidence, IceBet Casino.
Dear andandjonnyx,
We have received evidence from the casino that an email concerning the closure of your Allreels account was sent to you. This communication was sent to your email address in the same manner as any other correspondence. While we're uncertain why it's not present in your inbox, we can't dismiss the possibility that you may have inadvertently deleted the email. Nonetheless, the casino has furnished us with evidence of its sending to your email address.
Upon registering with IceBet Casino, you provided altered information (particularly concerning your email, city with an additional word, and modified residential address), thereby circumventing the system's blocking mechanism and registering in violation of project regulations.
This explains why your accounts were not immediately flagged by the casino's system. Although, the casino has since bolstered its system to prevent such occurrences in the future. It is crucial to understand that the casino bears no responsibility for creating a new account should you attempt to circumvent restrictions once more, nor for any resulting losses incurred.
Furthermore, it is within the casino's prerogative to close your account at any time, terminate the Terms of Use, and furnish written notice via the contact details provided in your account. Following the settlement of all financial obligations (if they are any at all) related to your previously normally opened accounts, the casino retains the authority to close your accounts at its discretion. This policy aligns with industry standards across most casinos.
It is imperative to bring to your attention a specific rule outlined in the email:
"The casino is not responsible for opening a new account for you or for any losses you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right to close an account created in violation of these rules at any time."
Regarding the reference to a blacklist, it typically serves for internal purposes. The casino teams have the option, although not the obligation, to explicitly inform you of this.
Nevertheless, you have been now informed about its existence.
With all this being said, the main reason for blocking your account as specified by the casino team is:
Icebet Casino's risk department has conducted a detailed review of your casino account with the username "MIRAIN". Account "MIRAIN" - did not pass the casino security check.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are forced to reject this complaint as the casino team acted within its established rules.
We are sorry We could not be of more help on this occasion. If you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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