私は2022年からこのカジノでプレイしていますが、最近出金に問題が発生しました。 出金に成功したこともあり、スポーツブックから毎週1千ドルを出金できましたが、最近は3週間から1か月ごとに1千ドルしか出金できず、私の行動が気に入らず、スポーツブックを娯楽目的で使用していないとみなしているため、他のものよりも意図的に処理が遅くなっていると言われました(実際、私はそうしています)。 いずれにせよ、これが彼らにとってなぜ重要なのかわかりません。 私は、彼らに毎週1千ドルの標準出金プロトコルに戻って、私のアカウントの出金を故意に遅らせるのをやめてほしいとお願いしているだけです。 彼らは文字通り私に「ジャズスポットは主に娯楽目的のプレイヤーへの支払いに重点を置いています」と言いました。
I have been playing with this casino since 2022 and have recently encountered problems with my withdraws. I have had some successful withdraws and i was able to withdraw $1kusd weekly from the sportsbook, as of recently they are only letting me withdraw $1kusd every 3weeks-1month of time and they told me that mine is deliberately being processed much slower than others because they dont like my action and deem me to not being using the sportsbook recreationally (which I am) . Either way I dont see why this matters to them. I am just asking for them to go back to the standard withdraw protocol which is $1k usd per week and stop delaying my account's withdraws deliberately. They literally told me "jazzspots is mainly focused on paying our recreational players"
They also said "Our management team is working on processing hte requests from our recreational players payouts mainly. After that, they will check the queue related to non-recreational players. "
The proof of this has been sent in screenshots.
I have also requested a transcript of the livechat and they told me they would send it to my email and they never did.