Unfortunately, the first experience had a friend who won some money and could not pick it up even after verification because there was a mistake on the part of the casino after almost 4 days of solving he did not get picked. I also have a bad experience the first bonus as stated in 100kc I did not get here if I wanted to complete the full registration (account) unfortunately due to email verification the account could not be verified so no bonus
after all the efforts and advice after the chat the verification email did not come when I wanted to change the email I was told that it is useless Unfortunately I could not change the email here after opening the personal information box it immediately logged me off and I did not get the same information my friend .
I don't know how to look at it when they have an OP number, birth number, etc., all the data you can't even get to.
Bohuzel prvni zkusenost mel pritel ktery vyhral nejake penize a nemohl je i po overeni vybrat jelikoz byla chyba na strane kasina po skoro 4 dnech reseni se nedockal vyberu. Ja mam take spatnou zkusenost prvni bonus jak uvadi 100kc sem nedostala kdyz sem chtela dokoncit plnou registraci (konto ) bohuzel diky overeni emailu konto nemohlo byt overeno takze zadny bonus
po vsech snahach a radach po chatu email s overenim neprisel kdyz sem chtela zmenit email bylo me receno ze me to je k nicemu bohuzel email sem si nemohla zmenit po otevreni kolonky osobni udaje me to ihned odhlasilo a nedostala sem se na sve udaje to same ma muj pritel .
Nevim jak se na to divat kdyz maji cislo OP,rodne cislo apod vsechny udaje ke kterym se ani nedostanete.