苦情を提出していただきありがとうございます。ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。 KYCは非常に重要で不可欠なプロセスであり、その間にカジノはお金が正当な所有者に送金されることを確認します。すべてのカジノはユニークであり、プレーヤーからの異なる文書を必要とします。
Dear Charles,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. The KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Every casino is unique and requires different documents from the player.
Unfortunately, I don't work for this casino, therefore I cannot tell you exactly which documents are required. However, I have checked the T&Cs and I found this:
"3. To provide our Billing department with all the necessary data, we require Customer identity validation before the winnings can be distributed. During this procedure the Customer should provide the following documents to validation@lasatlantis.com:
Proof of identity (driver’s license, ID, passport).
Both sides of the credit/debit card(s) used for depositing. We only need the 6 first and the 4 last digits of the credit card number. The CVV and the intermediate digits of the card number can be hidden.
Proof of address (Utility, Medical or Delivery Bill or any official document with full name, address, and date, provided it has been issued within the past 2 months).
Account Validation (containing Credit Card Validation and Banking Validation)"
I would suggest contacting the casino and find out what documents exactly are required and provide them in best possible quality and as soon as possible. If all the data is correct, there should be no reason for the casino to refuse to verify your account, or to delay the process.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,