また、マイアミ クラブ カジノにカジノ アカウントがあることに関してあなたが持っている証拠は、ランダムなライブ チャット担当者とのライブ チャット通信だけであり、マイアミ クラブ カジノの担当者であることを確認する十分な詳細がないため、ランダムなカジノからのものである可能性があり、基本的には自動生成された応答が 1 つと、お元気ですかと尋ねるメッセージが 1 つだけであり、カジノへの入金に関する証拠は、重要な詳細のない何らかの取引と手数料のスクリーンショットだけであり、これも支払い方法の取引履歴のランダムな取引から作成された可能性があると理解してよろしいでしょうか。
申立人がこの苦情を提出する際にカジノ アカウントのメール アドレスとして記載したメール アドレスを持つカジノ アカウントがあるかどうか確認していただけますか? それは彼の各投稿の下にあります。
You can get an email from an app usually when you register there with your email.
I do not think you mentioned anywhere that you did not play on the casino's official website but you used the app. However, it is very difficult to believe that you registered with your email and did not receive any confirmation email...
Also, do I understand correctly that all the evidence you have regarding having a casino account at Miami Club Casino is a live chat communication with a random live chat representative, which could be from a random casino since there are no sufficient details confirming it was a Miami Club Casino representative, with basically only 1 automatically generated response and 1 message asking you about how are you, and that all the evidence you have regarding the deposit made to the casino is your screenshot of some transaction and fee, without any important details, which also could have been made from a random transaction in your payment method transaction history?
Alright, let's give it a chance and ask the casino to check it on its side...
Dear Miami Club Casino team,
Could you please check whether there is a casino account with the email address the complainant stated upon submitting this complaint as his casino account email? It is under each of his posts.
If by any chance you find such an account, can you inform us what happened with the account, why has it been blocked/closed, and what happened with the user's disputed funds?