私が上に書いたことをあなたが完全に理解しているかどうかはわかりません。カジノがそうすると言っているのではありません。5.3 ルールで言及されているように、カジノが行動を開始する可能性があることをあなたに注意を促しただけです。
すべてのカジノには、引き出しを処理するためのさまざまなルールまたは手順がありますが、認可されたカジノはどれも KYC または AML を軽視しません.
アカウントを登録する際に、Neon54 カジノの利用規約に同意したことをお知らせします。

この苦情をさらに処理したい場合は、キュラソーのゲーム当局 ( certria@gaminglicences.com ) に連絡し、苦情を提出してください。それは最高のライセンス機関ではありませんが、プレーヤーを支援するためのオプションやツールが他にもあるかもしれません.彼らがmichal.k@casino.guruに返信したかどうか、またどのように返信したかをお知らせください。
Dear Marhofer
I'm not sure you fully understood what I wrote above. I'm not saying that the casino will do that, I have just put that rule to your attention that the casino might start taking action as mentioned in the 5.3 rule.
Every casino can have different rules or procedures for handling withdrawals, but none of the licensed casinos takes KYC or AML lightly.
I understand that these processes can be sometimes frustrating, but the casinos need to follow rules and regulations as well, so although I can empathize with you that the whole process can be done more user-friendly or quicker, it is a standard procedure that the casinos are entitled to.
Another thing I would like to put to your attention is the fact that you have agreed with Neon54 Casino's terms and conditions when registering your account.

So again, I agree with you that the process can be done more user-friendly or quicker, but the casino's terms and conditions apply. For now, the casino in our opinion has done nothing unfair or against its terms and conditions.
As I mentioned previously it is of course solely up to you if you don't want to provide these documents, but I am afraid that without the required documents, I won't be able to move your complaint forward. All required documents need to be provided in their original form without any editing, this is a standard procedure and an industry standard.
If you feel you want to take this complaint further you can contact the Curacao Gaming authority here (certria@gaminglicences.com) and submit a complaint to them. It's not the best licensing authority but it may have more options and tools to help players. Let me know if and how they replied at michal.k@casino.guru.
Please confirm if you want to do this and I will close your complaint as "Rejected, insufficient evidence from the player" and no further action will be done from our side.