通常、何らかの合意に達するには、3 つの当事者 (プレーヤー、カジノ、仲介者) が緊密にコミュニケーションを取る必要があります。残念ながら、そうはならず、私たちはこの問題の解決に単独で取り組むことになりました。
ご存知のとおり、New Funclub Casino は当社から「3.7 非常に悪い評判」を受けました。つまり、当社はプレイヤーにこのカジノを選択することをお勧めしません。少なくとも「非常に良い評判」を受けているカジノのみを選択することを強くお勧めします。当社が推奨するカジノのリストは、当社の Web サイトで確認できます。このような問題に再び遭遇することがないように願っています。
Dear Cpat18,
I apologize, but since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we cannot continue resolving this complaint and we are forced to close it as ‘unresolved’. This casino had more than enough time to proceed with some type of action, but after repeatedly calling out this casino's lack of response they still did not react whatsoever.
Normally, in order to reach any kind of agreement, all three parties (player, casino, and mediator) need to communicate closely. Unfortunately, this is not the case and we were left alone in our attempt to solve this issue.
I am very sorry I couldn't be of more help, but at least closing this complaint as unresolved will negatively influence the casino's rating and other players can read about your experience in our review.
As you might know, New Funclub Casino received a ‘3.7 very bad reputation’ from us, which means we would not recommend players to choose this casino. I strongly recommend only choosing casinos that have received at least a ‘Very good reputation’. You can check the list of the casinos we recommend on our website. I hope you will never come across a problem like this again.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.