ケースの詳細を掘り下げることなく、利用規約のセクション22.3-通知/苦情-(https://help.partycasino)に詳述されているように、すべてのユーザーに苦情処理の最終段階を紹介していることを確認できます。 .com / en / general-information / legal-matters / general-terms-and-conditions / general-european-union-and-eea#Notices):
「22.3上記の苦情手続きによる最終的な対応にご満足いただけない場合は、裁判外紛争解決(ADR)プロバイダーであるeCogra(EU市民の場合)にご連絡ください。eCOGRAは紛争解決サービスプロバイダーです。当社は、紛争(すなわち、申立人のギャンブル取引の結果に関連し、上記の苦情手続きでは解決されない苦情)の代替紛争解決施設を提供する独立機関として任命しました。ADRサービスは無料です。 eCOGRAは、軽薄または嫌悪感を理由に、紛争解決のために照会された苦情を拒否する場合があることに注意してください。
(a) ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/に苦情を申し立てるか、EU市民の場合はeCOGRAに直接連絡してください。および/または
(b)苦情を提出するには、Malta GamingAuthorityatsupport@mga.mga.org.mtに連絡してください。」
Hello everyone,
Please note that due to the nature of this case, we cannot go into detail of its development. Needless to say, we have reached a stage where we are confident of our decision and have offered Stefanie with a final response on the matter.
Without delving into the specifics of the case, we can confirm that we refer all of our users to the final stage of our complaints process as detailed within section 22.3 - Notices/Complaints - of our Terms and Conditions (https://help.partycasino.com/en/general-information/legal-matters/general-terms-and-conditions/general-european-union-and-eea#Notices):
"22.3 To the extent that You are not satisfied with Our final response through the complaints procedure stipulated above You may contact our alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provider, eCogra (if you are an EU citizen). eCOGRA is a dispute resolution service provider who we have appointed as an independent entity to offer alternative dispute resolution facilities for disputes (namely any complaint which relates to the outcome of a complainant's gambling transaction and is not resolved by Our complaints procedure stipulated above). The ADR service is free of charge. Please note that eCOGRA may reject complaints referred for dispute resolution on the basis they are frivolous or vexatious.
You may:
(a) file your complaint at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ or directly contact eCOGRA if you are EU citizen; AND/OR
(b) contact the Malta Gaming Authority atsupport@mga.mga.org.mt to submit a complaint."
Kind regards,
PartyCasino's Complaints team