ベガス ストリップ カジノがいつ閉店するか正確に通知されましたか?
残高はすべて Planet 7 アカウントに正常に転送されましたか?
1250 ドルの支払いは、ベガス ストリップでのジャックポット賞金の一部でしたか? ジャックポット賞金はカジノによって有効であると確認され、承認されましたか?
カジノから、出金限度額は VIP レベルによって異なると通知されましたか? VIP レベルは最近変更されましたか?
はい、ここで奇妙な問題があります。私は過去 2 年間 VIP 5 として過ごしましたが、2024 年にはいくら入金しても VIP 1 に固定されました。平均して月額 5 ~ 12,000 ドルを入金しても、VIP 1 のままです。その後、このジャックポットが当選した頃に、どうやら VIP 0 にダウングレードされたようです。
Hi Veronika,
Thank you for your help in working with me on this.
Answers in-line below:
Have you been informed about when exactly the Vegas Strip Casino will be closed?
No. Just that is was being shut down and that my winnings needed to be moved off to another casino in their group.
Has your entire balance been successfully transferred to your Planet 7 account?
Was the payout of $1250.00 part of your jackpot winnings from Vegas Strip? Have your jackpot winnings been verified and approved by the casino as valid?
Yes it was verified as valid and the single $1250 was approved over on Vegas Strip and transferred planet 7 and ultimately paid on August 14. I've received nothing since then, although I do see approvals
on August 16 and September 3, but neither have been paid.
Has the casino informed you that your withdrawal limits depend on your VIP level? Has your VIP level changed recently?
Yes and there is an odd problem here. I spent the last two years as a VIP 5 and then in 2024 I was locked to VIP 1 no matter how much I deposited. I'm talking an average $5-12k/month and still VIP 1. Then I was downgraded apparently to a VIP 0 right around the time this jackpot was won.