応答を更新 2023 年 10 月 5 日
support@0x.bet と連絡を取っているのですが、彼らは言い訳をし続けています。ある時は確認中だと言われ、またある時は資金が送金中だと言われ、そしてまた「調査中」だと言われます。私の資金は途中にありません。サポートチームとVIPマネージャーの両方が私に与えたすべての電子メール、言い訳のすべてのテキストの証拠を持っています。彼らは延滞する言い訳をし続けて、結局私の賞金を支払わないことになります。私はカジノに騙され続けています。
日曜日の午後、私がログインしようとしたとき、彼らは私のアカウントをブロックしたのだと思いました。彼らは私に何も通知しませんでした。そして、エージェントと VIP マネージャーに連絡するために多大な労力を費やした後、「VIP マネージャー」は「あなたのアカウントは現在停止中です」と答えました。調べた。これは、私がレビューで読んだように、彼らが他のプレイヤーに与えた言い訳と同じでした。その場合は、必要な情報を提供できるよう、この件について私に通知する電子メールを送信する必要がありました。
Vip マネージャーは私の懸念をまったく理解せず、ある時点で態度さえも変わり、私のメッセージに返信しなくなりました。彼らは支払いをしないためには何でもするということをあちこちで読んだことがありますが、これは私の経験でもあります。
UPDATE response 10-05-2023
This is a reply to the response the casino gave to my review.
I have been in contact with support@0x.bet, and they keep giving me excuses, one time they tell me it's verification, and the other time they tell me my funds are on the way, THEN again they tell me they are 'investigating' my funds are not on the way, I HAVE proof of every email, every text of the excuses that both the support team and the VIP manager is giving me. They just keep giving excuses to delay and end up not paying my winnings. I keep being lied to by the casino.
You said 'Perhaps your request or account does not meet some requirements, so the withdrawal is delayed. We also ask you to carefully review your mail, our specialists always inform players of the reason for canceling the withdrawal'.
I WAS NEVER INFORMED why the withdrawal is delayed nor I was asked to provide information. This all sounds like a copy-paste response and you didn't try to find what the problem really is in the situation.
I will update more in the coming days.
The worst experience ever
I opened an account a few days ago, I deposited a little bit over 1000 euros and played. Luck was on my side and won a total of 9000 euros. I withdrew my winnings.
On the site, it says instant payouts. I have experience with another online casino that pays out in hours so I expected the same.
It took longer than expected so I contacted the so-called 'VIP manager'. She assured me that my withdrawal will be processed by Monday and that I will get my winning.
Sunday afternoon when I tried to log in I figured that they have blocked my account, they didn't notify me of anything, and after much effort to contact an agent and the VIP manager, the 'VIP manager' replied 'Your account is being investigated. This was the same excuse they gave another player as I read in the reviews. If that was the case they should have sent an email notifying me about this so I can provide the information needed.
I have never seen a casino close a player's account for a 'verification process' it doesn't make sense.
The Vip manager had no understanding of my concern and even her attitude changed and stopped replying to my messages at some point. I have read everywhere that they will do ANYTHING not to payout, and this is my experience as well.
I am going to update you on how this goes, I am very curious about how this is going to end.