ギャンブルの落とし穴は理解していますが、あるステージでラインヒットなしで 50 スピンを超えた後、3 ドルのベットで 9 ドルのラインヒットが出ました。それが壊れていたか不正行為だったかのどちらかです。50 スピンどころか、何もなく 20 スピンでもどうやっていくのか、NFI はわかりません。完全にほぼ詐欺を避けてください。
I understand the pitfalls of gambling, but at one stage went over 50 spins without a line hit then got a $9 line hit on a $3 bet, its either broken or rigged, NFI how you go even 20 spins without something let alone 50. Completely Avoid almost a scam.

Skycrown Casino
Craigandrew1975 様
皆様からのフィードバックは、改善の余地がある領域を特定し、プレイヤー エクスペリエンス全体を向上させるために必要な調整を行うのに役立つため、私たちにとって貴重です。私たちはすべてのプレイヤーに公平で楽しいゲーム環境を提供することに尽力しています。
さらにご質問がある場合、または体験についてさらに詳しく話し合いたい場合は、お気軽にカスタマー サポート チームまでお問い合わせください。私たちはあなたをサポートし、あなたが抱えているあらゆる懸念に対処するためにここにいます。
皆様からのフィードバックは、改善の余地がある領域を特定し、プレイヤー エクスペリエンス全体を向上させるために必要な調整を行うのに役立つため、私たちにとって貴重です。私たちはすべてのプレイヤーに公平で楽しいゲーム環境を提供することに尽力しています。
さらにご質問がある場合、または体験についてさらに詳しく話し合いたい場合は、お気軽にカスタマー サポート チームまでお問い合わせください。私たちはあなたをサポートし、あなたが抱えているあらゆる懸念に対処するためにここにいます。
Dear Craigandrew1975,
We appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns about your recent experience at our casino. We understand that it can be frustrating when the outcomes of your gameplay do not meet your expectations.
We would like to assure you that our casino operates on a fair and transparent basis. The outcomes of our games are determined by random number generators, which ensure that each spin or bet is independent and unbiased. While streaks of non-winning spins can occur due to the random nature of the games, we understand how it can be disheartening when they persist for an extended period.
Your feedback is valuable to us, as it helps us identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall player experience. We are committed to delivering a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all our players.
Should you have any additional questions or wish to discuss your experience further, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you and address any concerns you may have.
Best Regards,
SkyCrown Casino Team
We appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns about your recent experience at our casino. We understand that it can be frustrating when the outcomes of your gameplay do not meet your expectations.
We would like to assure you that our casino operates on a fair and transparent basis. The outcomes of our games are determined by random number generators, which ensure that each spin or bet is independent and unbiased. While streaks of non-winning spins can occur due to the random nature of the games, we understand how it can be disheartening when they persist for an extended period.
Your feedback is valuable to us, as it helps us identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall player experience. We are committed to delivering a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all our players.
Should you have any additional questions or wish to discuss your experience further, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you and address any concerns you may have.
Best Regards,
SkyCrown Casino Team