出金リクエストには時間がかかります。私の場合は今まで保留中なので、リクエストのフィードバックを待っています。必要な要件はすべて提出されました。オペレーターが言ったように、銀行振込までに 7 日かかりますか?今まで保留中なのに、どうして銀行振込になるのでしょうか?カスタマーサービスに相談するたびに、彼らは金融部門にアクセスできないため、ただ待ってくださいとだけ言いました。
Withdrawal request takes time, in my case till now i wait for the feedback in my request because till now its pending! all the requirement that needed was submitted. and then as said by the operator it will takes 7 days before it will transfer in bank? how come it will transfer in bank if till now it is pending? Everytime i talked to the customer service they just said just wait, because they dont have access in finance.

ZotaBet Casino
当社の利用規約に従い、すべての銀行振込による支払いは原則として 7 銀行営業日以内に処理されることにご注意ください。この用語は、https://www.zotabet.com/terms-and-conditions (p. 12 撤退ポリシー) でご覧いただけます。
当社の利用規約に従い、すべての銀行振込による支払いは原則として 7 銀行営業日以内に処理されることにご注意ください。この用語は、https://www.zotabet.com/terms-and-conditions (p. 12 撤退ポリシー) でご覧いただけます。
Hello there, ersyjanesantos!
Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it a lot.
We would like to inform you that we are currently working on improving the withdrawal procedure, and we are sorry to hear that you have been waiting for it for so long. We can assure you that as soon as your withdrawal request is properly checked and approved, you will receive it within the time frame, that depends on your chosen payment method.
Please, note that in accordance with our terms and conditions, all Bank Transfer payouts are in principle processed within seven (7) banking days. Here you can find this term - https://www.zotabet.com/terms-and-conditions (p. 12 WITHDRAWAL POLICY).
Hope for your understanding in this case, and let us know when your withdrawal request is updated.
With Love,
ZotaBet team
Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it a lot.
We would like to inform you that we are currently working on improving the withdrawal procedure, and we are sorry to hear that you have been waiting for it for so long. We can assure you that as soon as your withdrawal request is properly checked and approved, you will receive it within the time frame, that depends on your chosen payment method.
Please, note that in accordance with our terms and conditions, all Bank Transfer payouts are in principle processed within seven (7) banking days. Here you can find this term - https://www.zotabet.com/terms-and-conditions (p. 12 WITHDRAWAL POLICY).
Hope for your understanding in this case, and let us know when your withdrawal request is updated.
With Love,
ZotaBet team