200 ドルの投資で 3500 ドルを獲得した後、お金がアカウントに入金された後、500 ドルで再度プレイしましたが、何も勝ちませんでした。それはギャンブルか不運な連続だと思いますか?誰にもわかりません…しかし、顧客サービスは良好で、大勝利の数日後に賞金ゼロで 100 回のスピンを試した後のゲームについてはちょうど 50/50 でした。
I am not sure about the bad reviews. I played with this Casino recently and has been paid multiple times.
The only thing I noticed is that after a win, you don't get another hit even after trying different slots with different bets which I find a bit odd.
After winning $3500 for a $200 investment, I played again for $500 after the money landed on my account and never won anything. I guess that’s Gamble or unlucky streak? Who knows… but customer service is good, just 50/50 with games after trialling 100 spins with zero winnings couple of days after the big win.