私はこのサイトのデザインが本当に気に入っています。とても親切な女性の VIP マネージャーがいて、その女性にメッセージを送ったり、人生についてチャットしたりできるのが気に入っています。
唯一気に入らないのは、法定通貨がないことです。 の特長は匿名性と暗号通貨であることは理解していますが、EUR や USD をサポートしていればもっと素晴らしいと思います。
彼らは本当に一生懸命にサイトに取り組んでいるので、私はこのことでスコアを下げません! is my first casino. It was recommended to me by my friends and I was not mistaken when I decided to trust their choice!
I really like the design of the site. I like the fact that I was provided with a very kind girl VIP manager, to whom I can write just like that and chat about life.
I also like that they made a personalized offer for me. These guys really make sure their customers are happy!
The only thing I don't like is the lack of fiat currencies. I understand that the thing about is their anonymity and cryptocurrencies, but if they supported EUR or USD it would be much cooler!
I'm not lowering the score for this because these guys are really working hard on their site!