お金が来ず、突然私の口座が閉鎖されました。チャットやメールでFolkeriketと何度か連絡を取り合った後、私はついに、彼らが赤旗のために私のアカウントを閉鎖したというメールを受け取りました。彼らは私がギャンブル依存症だと思っていました。 Folkeriketに数百クローネしか預けていないので、これはかなり奇妙だと思いましたが、数回のメールの後で、ギャンブルを管理していることと、プレイの制限を有効にした理由は、賞金を賭けるのではないかと心配していました。
彼にメールを送っていた期間中に、発生したいくつかの確認の問題も解決しました-1)以前にアカウントを確認し、2)16.3から、支払いが行われたことをメールで受け取ったので、奇妙なことに気づきました。 。
チャットで、私はすでに郵便で言われたことを言われました-私の銀行または彼らの終わりに何かが間違っていたと。顧客担当者は指定しませんでしたが、MuchBetterまたはMifinityを試してほしいと思っていました。 MuchBetterはノルウェーの銀行口座に支払いを行わないため、役に立たない。 Mifinityでは、アカウントを開こうとしたときに登録プロセスが数回停止していたため、代替手段も開かれていませんでした。
A few weeks ago I won 7000NOK (700Euros) at Folkeriket. After fullfilling the wagering I wanted to withdraw. This was at the 16.3 and I got a mail the same day that my payment had been sent to my bank account.
No money came and suddenly my account was closed. After having been in contact with Folkeriket several times on theit chat and via mail I finally got a mail that stated that they had closed my account due to a red flag - they thought I had a gambling problem. I found this rather odd, since I have only deposited a few hundred kroner at Folkeriket but after a few mails to and forth were I explained that I had my gambling under control and that the reason why I had activated the limits on playing was because I was afraid that I would gamble away my winnings.
I don`t have gambling issues but I have previously played away winnings after having reversed payouts. I did not want to fall for that temptation this time.
The mails did not explain why I hadn`t gotten my payout because the customer representative did not have responsibility for this - he was only their safe gambling representative. He did however promise that he had forwarded my question to the relevant department.
During the periode when I was mailing him I also resolved some verification issues that had come up - something I found odd since 1) I had verified my account earlier and 2) I had a receipt on mail from the 16.3 that my payment had been made.
After ending the dialogue with the safe gambling representative and finalizing the verification nothing happened, but my account was reopened. No payment was made and my balance was 0.
A few days ago I logged in to ask again where the money was. I then saw that my balance was 7000NOK and I also found a mail in my inbox that stated that there was problems with my bank and that that was the reason for me not getting paid. I contacted my bank but they confirmed that no payment attempt had been made.
On chat I was told what I hade already been told by mail - that something was wrong with my bank or at their end. The customer representative did not specify but wanted me to try MuchBetter or Mifinity. MuchBetter does not make payments to bank accounts in Norway so they are useless. At Mifinity the registration process had stalled several times earlier when I had tried to open an account so that alternative was not open for me either.
If the problem was my bank - as they had initially claimed - I thought I should make a new attempt at a different bank. I made a withdrawal and waited. Nothing happened and my balance was put back to 7000NOK.
Yesterday evening I made the mistake that I had feared and that I had told the safe gambling representative that I was afraid of making- i played and lost all the 7000NOK yesterday and today.
I don`t know if this is something to make a formal complaint about but I feel that they stalled and found out about my weakness pretending to care for me and then used that advantage to make me loose all my winnings to them.
I remember after winning that they had a pop-up that said that I should treat myself to something nice now that I had won. In light of this and the oh so caring safe gambling representative I feel fu**ed over by Folkeriket.