これは、2024 年 11 月 7 日木曜日午前 9 時 49 分頃に Lawless Ladies に費やした 0.40 ドルに関するものです。
さて、証拠を提示する前に、プレイヤーがスピンしてグリッド内のすべてのスペースが埋まり、空きスペースがなくなった後の Lawless Ladies ゲームの様子を示すビデオと静止画をいくつか共有したいと思います。
真ん中の 3 番目のリールは赤いカウガールで完全に埋め尽くされており、彼女が現れるとすべての賞金が 3 倍になります。
映画が進むにつれて、Lawless Ladies でスピンが行われるたびに最後に埋まるスペースは、一番右下の隅のスロットであることが示されます。
このクリップの長さは 15 秒で、その間、中央/3 番目のリールは空のままです。
2 番目のビデオ クリップはわずか 2 秒の長さで、私の話を聞くことができるため、他のビデオとはまったく異なります。
しかし、重要なのは、その 2 秒を前の 15 秒に追加することです。なぜなら、その 2 秒間、中央/3 番目のリールはまだ空のままであり、これは想定とはまったく異なるからです。
最後に、明らかに私の大勝利が負け勝利に変わったことを示す 3 番目で最後のビデオですが、3 つのクリップの 7 秒後、3 つのシンボルがどこからともなく現れ、空の 3 番目/中央のリール スロットを埋めています。
つまり、私が最初に撮影を開始してから、少なくとも合計 24 秒間が経過し、3 番目/中間のリールがどこからともなく負けシンボルで埋め尽くされました。
これは、Slots.lv プレーヤーのフォーラム アーカイブからのものです。
これは、プレイヤーがサイトで 0.40 ドルのスピンから獲得した金額を表します。
This is regarding my $0.40 spent of Lawless Ladies at around 09:49 a.m., Thursday, November 7th, 2024.
I was due to have a major victory initially I saw the middle reel filled by the girl cowboy that multiples all prizes by 3x
Why am I so sure of what I saw?
Because seeing that reel disappear caused me to film what took place next.
Now, before I present my evidence, I would like to share some video and still pictures on how the game Lawless Ladies looks like after a player spins and all spaces within the grid are filled and there are no longer any empty spaces.
The majority of the time that I was playing, the game was EXTREMELY LAGGING SO IM NOT SURPRISED SOME CORRUPT GLITCH TOOK PLACE
Notice how all the spaces on the grid are filled at the same time.
Now, please explain this to me.
This is B.S. and it is clear evidence of theft.
The first video shows when I initially was able to get my hands on a recording device because I immediately noticed that something(s) was off with this spin.
The middle, the 3rd reel, had been filled entirely by a red cowgirl that when she appears, all prizes are multiplied by 3.
When i noticed that disappear, that's when I immediately grabbed a recording device.
Notice that once I was able to start filming, the middle reel is entirely empty.
That should be the case.
It should be filled.
As the film progresses, it shows that the LAST space that gets filled whenever a spin is conducted on Lawless Ladies is the bottom furthest right corner slot.
Because once the lag is goes away, the last symbol reveals itself on the bottom-furthest right corner slot. Normally, this would be the end of the spin since all spaces would've and should've been filled in the entire grid.
The length of that clip is 15 seconds and during that entire time, the middle/3rd reel remains empty.
The 2nd video clip is only two seconds long and it is completely different than the other videos because you can hear my talk.
However, what's important is to add those two seconds to the 15 seconds prior because for the entirety of those two seconds, the middle/3rd reel was still empty, completely unlike it is supposed to.
Lasty, the 3rd and final video showing what was obviously a removal of my big win to a losing win, after the 7th second of the 3 clip, three symbols appear out of nowhere to fill in the empty 3rd/Middle reel slots.
So for at minimum, a total of 24 seconds has taken place since I first started filming and the 3rd/Middle Reel was completely to the 3rd/Middle Reel being filled out of nowhere with losing symbols.
To add injury to insult the system purposely made a spin even though I didn't authorize it in an attempt to get rid of the theft.
Fortunately for me, I was able to get my hands on a recording device and film the it as it happened.
Ive also attached a portion of my chat that I had with support in which the agent was extremely aggressive and wouldn't disclose much information about the spin in question except that it was a losing spin.
I agree.
It was a losing spin.
But how it became one by operating in a manner that the odds of that happening again depends on when the casino feels like robbing and denying an individual a big win.
I do believe I had a big win at hand.
Which leads to my final attachment
This is from Slots.lv player's forum archive.
it depicts the amount a player has won off of a $0.40 spin on the site.
I believe the spin in question was worth a substantial amount, until the casino decided that I don't deserve a big win and tried to hide the evidence.
Im extremely thankful that I was paying attention and captured the theft as it tried to make its way with my look.
I expect to get a response that clearly agrees with me that what took place in my complaint IS NOT A NORMAL occurrence nor should I ever expect something like it to happen again.
I thank you in advance for your time and consideration with regards to this matter and I look forward to your response.
Please, Slots.lv
Do the right thing and pay up, please!