
そして、ここが最初の問題です。ゲームプロバイダー側の問題のようです。 (またはカジノサーバーとゲームプロバイダーサーバー間の通信の誤動作) だから技術的にはカジノのせいにすべきではありません。用語には、この種の状況を具体的に説明する特別な節があります。
12.1保証なし。ウェブサイトを使用し、自己の責任においてゲームに参加する。ウェブサイトおよびゲームは、明示または黙示を問わず、一切の保証なしに提供されます。上記の規定の一般性を損なうことなく、当社、当社の取締役、従業員、パートナー、およびサービスプロバイダーは、ゲーム、ウェブサイト、およびそれらに関連するソフトウェアが目的に適合しており、エラーがなく、中断なくアクセスできるという保証を明示的に否認します。 。
今度はあなたの記録を注意深く見てください、あなたは一日中プレーしました、そしてこの状況は一度起こりました、そして、 あなたは人が誤動作していたところで500+賭けをしました。
もう一つは、補償を決定する方法です。そのラウンドであなたが何を賭けているのか誰も知らず、可能な限り最高の勝利(シングルナンバー)を要求していますが、その日の勝利を注意深く見れば、シングルナンバーに賭けることはないようです。 すべての賞金は、賭けの2倍から6.6倍になります。それは、あなたがシングルナンバーベットから勝つというあなたの主張に反しています。
Hello Halil.
Sorry that it took a longer, I was trying to find some answers.
So lets back to the picture which I already post you once.

From your logs: It's clear that your bet was confirmed on the game provider server. But this bet was not confirmed by the casino server. My opinion is that the communication between the game provider server and casino server was lost or never happened. Therefore, the bet was never accepted, and after a certain period of time (when the bets were closed) the game provider server didn’t receive the confirmation from casino server and generated the message "bets were rejected."
And here is the first problem, it seems that it is a problem on the game provider side. (or malfunction in communication between casino server and game provider server) So technically you shouldn’t blame the casino. There is a special clausula in Terms specifically mentioning this type of situation:
10.1 Unexpected technical problems or circumstances outside of our control may require that we cancel and refund bets to you. Such circumstances could include but are not limited to technical problems with a Game and/or where that a game is "stuck" in a state where a game round is not being finished. Similarly, your account balances may have to be adjusted under certain circumstances, including but not limited to if a bonus campaign has in any way been misconfigured or if a Game malfunctions. If there is a malfunction in a Game or its interoperability, any bets made during such malfunctioning shall be void. Winnings obtained from a malfunctioning Game shall be considered void, as well as any subsequent game rounds with said funds, regardless of what Games are played using such funds.
And :
12.1 No warranty. You use the Website and participate in the Games at your own risk. The Website and the Games are provided without any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied. Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding provision, we, our directors, employees, partners and service providers explicitly disclaim any warranty that the Games, the Website and their related software are fit for their purpose, free from errors or will be accessible without interruptions.
12.2 No Liability. We are not liable for any losses, costs, expenses or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise, arising in relation to your use of the Website or your participation in the Games, including without limitation, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, loss or corruption of data, communication or lines failure, any person’s misuse of the site or its content or any errors or omissions in content.
Now closely look on your record, you played the whole day, and this situation happened once and you made 500+ bets where one had malfunction.
Another thing is how to determine compensation. Nobody knows what you bet in that round and you are requesting a highest possible win (single number) but if we closely look on your winnings from that day, it looks like you never bet on single number. All your winnings are 2x-6.6x multiplication of your bet. That is in contradiction to your claim that you win from a single number bet.
I am very sorry, but because of what we discovered; we are on side of the casino.
First, it is highly probable that it is not casino fault, and in similar situations, the bet should be void (what happened)
Second, we don’t know what was result of your bet – you can’t confirm the bet, so the missing winning is only the speculation (and your betting pattern not confirm it)
If you wish to investigate this case further, please contact MGA – they can better investigate the game provider side, but we believe that the casino is innocent in this case and we shouldn’t punish them. More likely, it is a game provider mistake, and we do not evaluate game providers, so we have no options here.