Dear Kristina,
I received the full money, but it took too long, they ignored the documents that I sent, and it was I who had to constantly communicate to their "chat" system because if I did not communicate, this casino did not communicate with me. They asked for so much document and they put a lot of obstacles, however at the time of entering and when they debited my card if it was very fast.
Then in the means of withdrawing money so that they deposited me I asked for a "GIRO or TRANSFERENCIA" mode where my account number was listed, the bank, etc., and they ignored it and deposited it to a debit card.
More than a week ago I requested a document, like any entity or person when you make a bank transfer, deposit, etc, you receive a proof of this deposit; I requested a document where the deposit and the account number appear and it is where I verify that they did not obey my option of "GIRO or" TRANSFERENCIA "and they deposited the debit card, but they did not even send me the document, just an email saying that , and that they regret what happened.
This casino has already hurt me enough, first for delaying the deposit too much and now for depositing in front of the debit card and the currency exchange hurts me, so request a withdrawal method by GIRO or Transfer, but they do what they want ; And as I repeat, I requested a certificate and they never sent it to me.
Hopefully there is a solution to this problem.
The same is clear I do not recommend this online casino at all.
Estimada Kristina,
Recibi el dinero completo, pero demoró demasiado, hacian caso omiso a los documentos que yo enviaba, y era yo quien debia de comunicarme constantemente a su sistema de "chat" porque si yo no me comunicaba, este casino no se comunicaba conmigo. Pidieron tanto documento y me pusieron muchos obstaculos, sin embargo al momento de ingresar y cuando debitaron de mi tarjeta si fue muy rapido.
Luego en el medio de retiro de dinero para que ellos me depositen solicité modo "GIRO o TRANSFERENCIA" donde figuraba mi numero de cuenta el banco etc, y ellos hicieron caso OMISO y lo depositaron a una tarjeta de debito.
Hace mas de una semana solicité un documento, como cualquier entidad o persona cuando hace un movimiento de bancom transferencia, deposito etc, recibe una constancia de este deposito; solicité un documento donde figure el deposito y el numero de cuenta y es donde verifico que ellos no obedecieron mi opcion de "GIRO o "TRANSFERENCIA" y depositaron a la tarjeta de debito, pero ni siquiera me enviaron el documento, solo un correo diciendo eso, y que lamentan lo sucedido.
Este casino ya me ha perjudicado bastante, primero por demorar demasiado el deposito y ahora por depositar de frente a la tarjeta de debito y el cambio de moneda me perjudica, por eso solicite medio de retiro por GIRO o Transferencia, pero ellos hacen lo que quieren; y como les repito, solicité una constancia y nunca me lo enviaron.
Ojala exista solucion para este problema.
Igual queda claro no recomiendo para nada este casino online.