当社のウェブサイトを通じて苦情を提出していただき、誠にありがとうございます。引き出しに関する問題についてご不便をおかけしております。 Springbok CasinoのT&Cを注意深く読み、ポイント25に次のように書かれています。カジノで定義されているように、このポリシーを悪用すると、プレーヤーの賞金がキャンセルされる場合があります。すべてのプレイヤーに、一般およびボーナスT&Cを読むことを常にお勧めします。申し訳ありませんが、この場合はこれ以上お手伝いできません。
Dear Zandile,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint through our website. We are sorry to hear about the problem with your withdrawal. We read Springbok Casino’s T&Cs carefully and in the point number 25 it’s written: "Players with one or more pending withdrawals currently in their account are not eligible to receive any bonuses, promotional or otherwise, until such withdrawals are either processed or cancelled. Abuse of this policy, as defined by the casino, may result in cancellation of the player's winnings."Unfortunately, this rule is a little bit strange, but it is not unusual. We always recommend to every player to read General and Bonus T&Cs. We are very sorry, but we cannot help you more with this case.
Best regards,