スカイベガス カジノが問題のプラットフォームと何らかの関係がある可能性は理解していますが、別のウェブサイトやカジノに直接問い合わせることはできません。これらの組織は独立して運営されていることが多く、このケースを支援するために必要なレベルのプレイヤー固有の情報を共有していない可能性があります。さらに、より広い視点から状況を評価した結果、スカイベガス カジノが不正行為を行ったという兆候は見られません。
Thank you for providing the details about the website in question. I regret to inform you that I do not have good news regarding your request.
The website you listed primarily focuses on sports betting, which falls outside the scope of our reviews, as we exclusively evaluate online casinos. Unfortunately, this means we are unable to add the website to our database or proceed with further investigation on this matter.
While we understand that Sky Vegas Casino may have some level of connection with the platform in question, we cannot directly contact a separate website or casino for inquiries. These entities often operate independently and may not share the level of player-specific information required to assist in this case. Furthermore, after evaluating the situation from a broader perspective, there does not appear to be any indication that Sky Vegas Casino has engaged in any wrongdoing.
We truly empathize with your concerns and understand that this may not be the resolution you were hoping for. Please know that our team remains committed to offering support within the scope of our expertise.
The only thing I can recommend is that you contact the licensing authority here:
If there is anyone who can help you in this case, this is your best option.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be closed. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.