- 問題のカジノにギャンブル依存症について報告したことがありますか、またはカジノのプラットフォームから何らかの形で自己排除を要求したことがありますか?
- 払い戻しの要求は、カジノがイタリアで AAMS ライセンスなしで運営されていることだけに基づいているかどうかを明確にしていただけますか?
- カジノのウェブサイトの正確な URL を教えていただけますか? これにより、カジノを特定し、その利用規約やギャンブル依存症や入金返金に関するポリシーを確認するのに役立ちます。
- あなたの状況と払い戻しの要求についてカジノと連絡を取りましたか? もしそうなら、受け取った返答や連絡内容を共有していただけますか?
関連する文書、電子メール、その他の連絡事項がございましたら、お気軽に下記まで転送してください。 。
苦情が非常に多く寄せられているため、しばらくお待ちください。苦情は 48 時間以内に公開するよう努めていますが、その後の対応には最大 7 日かかる場合があります。現在、1,000 件近くの苦情を処理しているため、解決担当者への苦情の割り当てにも時間がかかる場合があります。
Dear Ciccio17,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your situation and the challenges you are facing. I truly understand how difficult this must be for you, and I appreciate your courage in seeking assistance.
To better understand your case and determine how we might assist, could you please provide the following details?
- Have you ever informed the casino in question about your gambling problem or requested any form of self-exclusion from their platform?
- Could you clarify if your request for a refund is solely based on the casino operating without an AAMS license in Italy?
- Could you provide the exact URL of the casino website? This will help us identify the casino and review its terms and conditions, as well as any policies related to problem gambling or deposit refunds.
- Did you communicate with the casino regarding your situation and your request for a refund? If so, could you share any responses or correspondence you’ve received?
It’s important to note that while we can mediate on your behalf, refunding deposits often depends on whether the casino was made aware of your gambling problem and if they have specific policies in place for such cases. If the request is based solely on the casino’s licensing status, we may have limited capacity to assist.
If you have any relevant documentation, emails, or other communication that might help us with your case, please feel free to forward them to
Your cooperation is crucial to help us proceed with this case effectively. Without your input and the requested information, we won’t be able to move forward or advocate on your behalf.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to an exceptionally high volume of complaints, we kindly ask for your patience. While we strive to publish complaints within 48 hours, follow-up responses may take up to 7 days. Assigning your complaint to a resolver might also take longer, as we’re currently managing close to 1,000 complaints.
Thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2025!