Unibet Casino との紛争を解決するためにあなたの助けが必要です。カジノは私が第三者の資金を使用したと非難し、私のアカウントをブロックして 2,942 ユーロを差し押さえました。
他の人からの送金の一部として受け取った資金の使用は、Unibet カジノによって、カジノ ゲームのための第三者の資金の使用であると誤ってみなされました。
カジノの利用規約に違反した疑いに関して私が無実であるという証拠を考慮し、差し押さえられた資金 2,942 ユーロの返還にご協力をお願いします。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I need your help to resolve the conflict with Unibet Casino. The casino accused me of using funds belonging to a third party, blocked my account and withheld my 2942 euros.
I have notified the casino that I have used funds belonging exclusively to me for gaming.
The use of funds received as part of a transfer from another person was mistakenly regarded by Unibet casino as the use of third-party funds for casino games.
However, the funds that I received from another person are legally considered to belong to me. This is justified by the fact that on February 21, 2024, I transferred 41 thousand euros as a debt. The funds credited to my Skrill payment wallet between March and May 2024 were received as repayment.
Thus, the funds for the games were exclusively mine, and I did not allow violations of the casino rules.
Taking into account the evidence of my innocence in the alleged violation of the casino's terms and conditions, I ask you to help me return the withheld funds in the amount of 2942 euros.
Thank you in advance.