画面に表示されているように、私が合格した最初の検証は、私が 20 ユーロしか入金しなかった後に要求されましたが、お金を失っていなかったため、後で差し押さえられるようにさらに 1608 ユーロを入金させられましたか?
Hello I tried to contact unibet regarding this matter however I only received this mailing and informaitons 
Could you please advise since when is your additional account verification finished?
on 7/9 Nov I uploaded additional documents, on 12.11.24 account was closed.
Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus?
I did not use any bonuses, only my own money
When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
as you can see on screen above was last time.
They said my account and documents has been identified as taking part in fraudulent activity, I was already verified with the same passport as I took the selfie, I never had any problems with verification at other casinos, if this was really the real reason why they did not closed my account at the earlier verification , but only after I won money and asked for a withdrawal, this is very shady action from unibet.
First verification which I passed as you can see on screens was requested after I deposited only 20€ but they let me deposit 1608€ more to later seize it because I did not lost my money?
I don't really understand this, my documents were legit, I never had any issue at other casinos and I played in dozen. It looks for me as complete scam as they do not even want to refund my deposits.