最近、「ワイルド カジノ」で 1 週間足らずで約 1 万ドルを失いました。これは、家が火事になってすべてを失った後、深刻なトラウマを経験し、PTSD と診断された、人生で非常にトラウマ的な時期の後に起こりました。これは誰の問題でもなく、私自身に絶対的な責任があります。ギャンブルの問題を報告した結果、プレイしたカジノに対して苦情を申し立てましたが、彼らは私のアカウントを閉鎖しませんでした。
彼らは私のアカウントを閉鎖しなかっただけでなく、閉鎖を思いとどまらせ、引き続きお金を受け取りました。私は約 10,000 ドルを失いましたが、アカウントの閉鎖を要求した後、返金を求めているだけです。実際、私が要求している金額はその金額よりわずかに少ないです。一部はビットコインで、これは複雑だと理解しています。私はカジノに返金を要求しただけです。私がアカウントの閉鎖を明示的に要求した後に行われたデビット カードの入金は、合計で約 2,400 ドルです。
I recently lost about $10,000 and less than one week at "Wild casino"… This happened after a very traumatic time in my life where I have been through some serious trauma and have been diagnosed with PTSD after losing everything in housefire. Well, this is no one’s problem with my own, and I am absolutely responsibke, I am filing a complaint against the casino where I played as a result of reporting problem gaming, and they did not close my account.
I almost immediately told the chat staff that I was in a low place and suffering, and should not be gaming, but did not admit until a couple of days later with the screenshots included below that I absolutely was asking to be banned and have my account closed due to problem gaming.
not only did they not close my account but dissuaded me from closing it and continued to accept money. While I lost about $10,000 I am only asking for the monies to be refunded after I requested the account to be closed. Actually, the amount I’m requesting is slightly less than that amount as some of it was in bitcoin which I understand to be complicated. I have only asked the casino to refund. The debit card deposits made after I expressly asked for my account to be closed, which total nearly $2400.
The casino resolutely refused any refund despite the fact that I was over and telling them I was in a bad situation and specifically asked to be banned. They did not close my account. Even after receiving an email saying they were going to close my account I can still get in tonight and was even into the banker/cashier access to continue gaming if I wanted.
well, I take full responsibility for my actions, I also am feeling extraordinarily vulnerable to the exploitation of problem gaming. I feel that the casino is not being responsible or expeditious about stopping the enormous amount of money that I have horribly lost. This money was intended for my family after a very serious trauma. I was very clear that I was gambling when I should not have been and using money that was intended for the critical use of restoring my families life after our trauma. But I was very overt and as you can see from the screenshots expressly communicating that I needed to be banned. They continued to accept money after this point. They did not close my account. They even emailed me saying they were going to close my account… And yet, tonight I can still get into my account and literally deposit if I want to.
I am desperately asking for help to have the account closed and to have at least the money refunded from the point where I was over about saying I’m a problem, gambler.