登録してアカウントの認証に成功し、30ユーロを入金しました。一日中問題なくプレイして、150ユーロを獲得しました。賞金を出金しようとしたところ、驚いたことに出金後、翌日アカウントにログインしたところ、アカウントがブロックされていました。チャットサポートに連絡したところ、私のアカウントはbomba menという人物のアカウントと重複していると言われました。月曜日、チャットサポートの要求どおりにメールを送信しましたが、返信はありませんでした。昨日もう一度メールを送信しましたが、返信はありませんでした。チャットサポートに再度連絡したところ、同じ返信が返ってきました。利用規約を確認したところ、入金額を返金する義務があると明記されていますが、今のところ何も起きていません。カジノに対してこの問題をいつまでも追求し、150ユーロをめぐって彼らがいかに不正行為をしているかについて、すべてのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームに投稿するつもりです。恥ずべきことです。このカジノでプレイしないでください。お金を失うことになります。注意してください。このカジノを私に勧めた人は、すでにアカウントを閉鎖しています。
On Sunday, a family member recommended this casino to me, claiming they were good and had a wide range of games.
I registered and successfully validated my account, then made a deposit of €30. I played all day without any issues and won €150. I proceeded to withdraw my winnings, and to my surprise, after making the withdrawal, I entered my account the next day only to find it was blocked. I contacted the chat support, and they told me my account was a duplicate with someone called bomba men. On Monday, I sent an email as requested by the chat support, but received no response. I sent another one yesterday, and still no reply. When I contacted the chat support again, they kept giving me the same response. I reviewed their terms and conditions, which clearly state that they are obliged to refund the deposit amount, yet nothing has happened so far. I will pursue this matter with the casino as long as it takes, and I will post on all social media platforms about how deceitful they are, getting dirty over €150. It's shameful. Do not play at this casino; you will lose your money. Pay attention: the person who recommended this casino to me has already closed their account with them.
No domingo ouve um familiar meu que me recomendou este casino pois me disse que eles eram bons e que tinha uma vasta gama de jogos .
Fiz o registo validei a minha conta foi validada com sucesso fiz o depósito no valor de 30 € joguei o dia todo sem problemas obtive um um ganho de 150€ faço o levantamento por incrível que pareça depois de fazer o levantamento no dia asseguir entro na conta a minha conta é bloqueada contacto ao chat me dizem que a minha conta era uma conta em duplicado com uma tal de bomba men segunda envio o email como pedido do chat não me respondem enviei outro ontem não me respondem entro em contacto com o chat dizem sempre igual vi os termos e condições deles diz lá que eles soa obrigados a reembolsar o valor de depósito até agora nada irei prosseguir este casino até ao fim dos meus dias e irei publicar em todas as redes sociais o quanto frade eles são que se sujam por 150€ vergonhoso não joguem neste casino vão ficar sem o vosso dinheiro e tomem atenção o casino foi me recomendado e a pessoa que me recomendou ja encerrou a conta com este casino