2024-03-07 11:40:09 UTC +0 200 ユーロの支払いが正常に完了したという通知を受け取りました。
2024-03-11 08:10:08 UTC +0 200 ユーロの支払いが正常に完了したという通知を受け取りました。
また、現時点では、アカウントに 2 つのアクティブな出金リクエストがあり、それぞれ 200 ユーロの金額があり、アクティブな残高は 121 ユーロです。カジノアカウントの残高の出金リクエストを提出していただくようお願いいたします。
また、いつでもカスタムの支払いスケジュールをリクエストすることができます。 kyc@winlegends.com 。
Dear tpylkkanen,
2024-03-07 11:40:09 UTC +0 You have received a notification that your payment in the amount of 200 euros has been successfully completed.
2024-03-11 08:10:08 UTC +0 You have received a notification that your payment in the amount of 200 euros has been successfully completed.
We ask that you confirm that you have received your payments.
Also, at the moment you have two active withdrawal requests in your account in the amount of 200 EUR each, and an active balance in the amount of 121 EUR. We ask you to submit a request for withdrawal of the balance of your casino account.
These withdrawal requests are processed on an individual schedule, according to the following rules:
9.2. The finance department has the right to determine its own payment and withdrawal terms, as well as the maximum and minimum withdrawal amount for each procedure, which may differ depending on the withdrawal method, account status and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
You can also always request a custom payment schedule by contacting kyc@winlegends.com.
All actions regarding your account are carried out strictly within the framework of the rules of our project.
Winlegends Casino Risk Department.