1xbet からメキシコに書類を送るよう求められています。それは高すぎるし、必要ないと思います。必要な書類はすべて電子メールで提供できます。

また、彼らが求めていることのいくつかは明確ではないので、1xbet が彼らが何を求めているのかをここで正確に教えてほしいと思います。無駄にメキシコに書類を送りたくありません。
-「当社ウェブサイトの口座への入金を確認する書類」を要求する場合、具体的に何を要求しますか? Binance の出金のスクリーンショットをオンラインで提供できます (すでに電子メールで送信しました。これが 1xbet が危険だと思う理由です)
1xbet is asking me to send documents to Mexico. Thats too expensive and I dont think its necessary. I can provide all the necessary documentation my e-mail.

Also, some things they are asking for are not clear so i would like 1xbet to tell me here exactly what they want. I dont want to send documentation in vain to Mexico.
First of all, I deposited using crypto through Binance so i would like to be able to withdraw to Binance as I did before.
-When you ask for "documents confirming the deposit of funds into your account in our website" what are you asking for exactly? I can online provide screenshots of the Binance withdrawals (thing that i have already done by e-mail. This is why I think 1xbet is being dodgy)
-You are also asking again for my Id or passport (I have already provided this by e-mail so whats the need of making me spend time and money sending the same documents to Mexico?
-Why you want my account number if I have deposited using Binance and I want to withdraw using Binance too?