2 月 6 日にカジノで 32,000 ドル勝ちました。すぐに VIP マネージャーに連絡して、「1 か月のクーリング オフ期間を適用する」ように依頼しました。これは、賭けはできないが引き出し手続きは完了できると説明されている Web サイトの情報に基づいて依頼したものです。
再びログインするまで、私はなんとか 24 時間カジノから離れていました。私の残高は 32,000 ドルでしたが、4 時間後には 10,000 ドルになっていました。
ログアウトして、私の更新をお待ちいただけますか? 詳細がわかり次第、ご連絡いたします。
今週、カジノ プラットフォームで人生を変えるほどの勝利を収めました。時々中毒になる自分の性格を理解した上で、VIP に連絡して 1 か月の「クーリング オフ リミット」を要求しました。これは、賞金を保護するためであり、貴社の Web サイトの「責任あるギャンブルの条件」に基づいて要求したものです。条件には次のように記載されています...
「クーリングオフ制限。一定期間のクーリングオフ期間を設定できます。制限が有効になっている間はカジノに入金できず、すべてのプロモーション オファーから除外されますが、この期間中に残りの資金を引き出すことはできます。クーリングオフ期間はアカウントにすぐに適用されます。期限が切れると、アカウントは自動的に再アクティブ化されます。」
私のリクエストに関して VIP から受け取った返答は次のとおりです。
「制限が有効な間はカジノに入金できず、すべてのプロモーション オファーから除外されますが、この期間中に残りの資金を引き出すことは可能です。
私は感情をコントロールできず、アカウントの残高から 25,000 ドルを失ってしまいました。このような状況が続くのは望んでいなかったので、VIP にすぐに支援を求めました。
私は、21bit が私のクーリングオフ制限要求を不適切に管理したために、このような行為をしてしまったと主張します。
以下は、私の現在の生活、社会経済、精神的健康状況に関する私と VIP 間の電子メールです。責任あるギャンブルの条件は、脆弱な個人や自制心のない人々を保護するように設計されています。あなたは私を失望させ、この責任に違反しました。
責任を取って、クーリングオフの制限を申請した時点での残高から、処理の最終段階にあると思われる 11,500 ドルを差し引いた差額を返金していただきたいと思います。私の計算では、21,000 ドルになります。
アンドリュー L***
On Feb 6th I won $32000 on the casino. Immediately I contacted my VIP manager and asked for a "1 month cooling off limit to be applied" I asked for this based on the information from their website which outlined that wagering would not be possible, but I could still complete the withdrawal processes.
The reason I asked is because I did felt I could not self control and if I had access to continue gambling the urge would be too much and I could potentially miss out on a life changing sum of money
My VIP host replied with information that contradicted the website. Saying that I would not be able to access the withdrawal functionality under this "cooling off" she stayed to me
Regarding your request for a cooling-off period, I want to make sure you have all the details before making a decision. If a cooling-off period is set, your account will be completely frozen, meaning you won’t be able to access it—including the payout process. Since withdrawal requests must be initiated from your end, this would temporarily halt everything."
Please let me know how you’d like to proceed, and I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.
And when I asked again j got
"To ensure fairness and provide the best possible experience for all our players, we no longer offer those specific limit features. Our goal is always to enhance the gaming experience while maintaining a balanced and enjoyable environment for everyone"
I had explained to her that I had been homeless for or 2 years due to a car accident and had lost almost everything. I begged her to apply a limit to the account and asked her which one j should request.....she did not respond
I managed to stay out of the casino for 24 hours until I logged back on. My balance was $32000.....4 hours later it was $10000.
I then asked her for more help to stop me from losing everything. I said
THE EXACT thing that i explained yesterday with regards to the temptation to continue to bet the funds in my account has happened.
I lost $20k today.
Please, I need you to allow the withdrawal of the balance o my account immediately.
Please please please
If it's not withdrawn quickly and lose it all, I'm worried that I will have no ability to control my mental health decline and would probably decide life's over
She said
could you please log out and kindly wait for my update? I’ll be in touch as soon as I have more information.
I have sent this
To whom it may concern.
I had a life changing win on the casino platform this week. Understanding my sometimes addictive personality, I contacted VIP to ask for a "Cooling Off Limit" of 1 month. I did this to protect my winnings and had requested this based on the Responsible Gambling Terms from your website....which states...
"Cooling-Off Limit. You can set a Cooling-Off Period for a definite period of time. While the limit is active you cannot deposit to the Casino and you will be excluded from all promotional offers, although you may withdraw the remaining funds during this period. Cooling-Off period is applied to your account immediately. Upon its expiring your account will automatically be re-activated.'
The response I received from VIP with regards to my request states.
'Regarding your request for a cooling-off period, I want to make sure you have all the details before making a decision. If a cooling-off period is set, your account will be completely frozen, meaning you won’t be able to access it—including the payout process. Since withdrawal requests must be initiated from your end, this would temporarily halt everything."
This seems to have been incorrect based on the above sentence, in particular the below proportion.
"While the limit is active you cannot deposit to the Casino and you will be excluded from all promotional offers, although you may withdraw the remaining funds during this period.
I wasn't able to control my emotions and I played away $25k from he balance in my account. VIP were asked to provide immediate help as I didn't want this to continue.
I make the claim that negligence on the part of 21bit in your incorrect management of my cooling off limit request allowed me to do what has been done.
Below are emails between myself and VIP regarding my current living, socio economic and Mental Health circumstances. Responsible Gambling conditions are designed for the protection of vulnerable individuals and those who have inability to self control.. You have failed me and breached this Responsibility.
I want you to accept responsibility and refund the difference between my balance at the time I requested the cooling off limit deducing the $11500 which seems to be on its final stages of processing. My calculations is an amount of $21000.
I await your response
Andrew L***
Casino Guru管理者により編集済