ご連絡いただきありがとうございます。アカウントを閉鎖し、カジノとそのサービスとのすべての通信から退会するオプションについてカジノのWebサイトを確認しました。これは、 https : //22bet.com/information/rules/2で見つけたものです。
私たちはあなたが新しいアカウントを作成するのを防ぎ、新しいアカウントをブロックするために最善を尽くします。選択した期間が終了すると、アカウントのブロックが自動的に解除されます。このオプションを有効にするには、 block @ 22bet.comまでご連絡ください。自己排除期間中、お客様は新しいアカウントの開設を試みてはならず、ギャンブルを続けたり、別の名前でサービスで新しいアカウントを使用したりした場合、会社は金銭的責任を負わず、その他の責任を負わないことに同意する必要があります。またはアドレス。」
Dear tftcosta,
Thank you for contacting us. I have checked the casino’s website for options to close an account and unsubscribe from all correspondence with the casino and its services, and this is what I found https://22bet.com/information/rules/2:
"Please write to customer support for help and also use the Self-restriction option if necessary.
We provide assistance to players with potential gambling problems which is readily available, systematically provided and logged. We monitor all requests.
22bet offers a self-restricting option which allows you to close your account for a certain period of time: a week, a month, 6 months, a year. Your account will be blocked only after the specific period of time has been clarified in your message.
We will do our best to prevent you from creating new accounts and block new ones. Your account will be automatically unblocked after the selected time period ends. To have this option enabled please contact us via block@22bet.com. During the self-exclusion period Customer must not attempt to open a new Account and you must accept that the Company shall have no financial liability and shall not be held otherwise accountable if you continue gambling or using a new Account with the Service under a different name or address."
I would recommend sending an email including all the relevant information to the email address above. In this way, you’ll have proof of such an action. Specify in the request for how long you wish your account to be closed and clearly state the reason why.
Please, let me know if you need any assistance and keep me updated.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,