これは狂気の沙汰で、どうしたらいいのかさえわかりません。約 1 か月前、Telegram グループで知り合った男性からの紹介リンクを使用して、500casino アカウントを登録しました。私は仮想通貨への投資でいくつか大きな成功を収めており、ギャンブルを楽しむことにしました。その男性が 500casino を勧めてくれたので、そこにアカウントを登録しました。登録後すぐに KYC を済ませました。多額のお金でプレイすることを知っていたので、いずれにせよ KYC を求められるだろうと確信していたので、面倒なことはせずに済ませることにしました。とにかく、1 週間ほどルーレットをプレイし、その後ブラックジャックのプライベート テーブルに切り替えました。すべて順調で、負けたり勝ったりしながら、仮想通貨の入出金に問題はありませんでした。しかし、約 2 日前に、本当に良い流れに乗って、ほぼ 50 万ドルの損失からほぼ損益ゼロになり、アカウントに 43 万ドルが入りました。その同じ日にアカウントがロックされ、メッセージを受け取りました。
追加の KYC 検証手順を完了する必要があります。次のリンクにアクセスして、必要な検証手順を完了してください。
というわけで、今私は完全に混乱しており、このすべてから唯一納得できることは、彼らは私のアカウントが彼らのシステムを悪用していた他のアカウントと関連していると考えているということだ(彼らは私がそうではないことをよく知っていて、私が何十万ドルも失っていたときにではなく、ほとんどの損失を取り戻した後に彼らが私のアカウントをロックしたことに腹を立てている)。私がどのアカウントともつながっていた唯一のつながりは、先ほど述べた男からの紹介だった。私は彼に連絡したところ、彼は私のアカウントがブロックされる前日に自分のアカウントがブロックされたと言い、また確かに彼らのシステムを悪用して約4万ドルの利益を上げていたことも認めた。今私は彼と500casinoの両方に私を騙したことに腹を立てているので、500casinoとコミュニケーションをとろうとし、ほんの数日前に50万ドル近く失っていたという事実など、確固たる議論を使って、こんなに大金を失うようなことをどうして悪用できるのかなどと主張した。彼らからの返答はなく、私が何かを悪用していたという説明や証拠もなく、ただ彼らをだましていたろくでなしから紹介されたという不運な事実だけがあり、私はそれに何の関係もなかったのに彼らは気にも留めません。彼らは私の残高約 431,000 ドルをすべて奪い取りました。そのうち 299,500 ドルは金庫に、残りは私のプレイ残高でした。彼らのサポートは完全に私を無視し、いかなる形でもコミュニケーションを拒否しています。
This is insane and I don’t even know what to do. About a month ago I registered a 500casino account, using a referral link from a guy who I met in a telegram group. I had a few very successful investments in crypto and decided to have some fun gambling, that guy recommended 500casino and I registered an account there. I had done KYC immediately after registration because knowing that I was about to play with large amounts of money, I was sure I would be asked to do it anyway, so I decided to get it out of my way. Anyway, I was playing roulette for a week or so and then I switched to playing blackjack private tables. Everything was fine, I was losing some, winning some, had no troubles depositing or withdrawing my crypto. However, just about 2 days ago I caught a really good streak and went from being down almost half a million to being nearly break even, having 430k in my account. That same day I get my account locked and receive a message :
Hey there,
You are required to complete additional KYC verification steps, please follow the following link and complete the verification steps required:
Let us know when you are done.
500 Casino.
Okay I thought, they just want to verify me one more time so I completed my KYC once again and no later than 10 minutes I get this message from their verification partner : "You're all set!Dear customer,Your account has been approved. Thank you for your time!Best,
The Sumsub Team"
Cool, now surely my account will be back to normal but no, I get this message from their support "Thank you!
Kindly please allow us some time to investigate.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you very much for your patience!"
With this I go to sleep and the next morning I wake up to this message: "Hey there,
It has been determined that you have systemically abused our service through unfair gameplay.
You abused the games you were playing in a way which you have an unfair advantage, and we have also identified connections to other accounts directly associated with you that have also systemically abused our service.
Exploiting games and generally anything else that offers an unfair advantage leads to account suspension.
As a result, your account as well as all the other accounts associated to you that have systemically abused our service have been permanently suspended.
Any further attempt of abusing our service will lead to the same exact outcome.
Regards, "
So, now I am completely confused and the only thing that makes sense from all of this is that they think my acccount is connected to other accounts that were abusing their system(knowing damn well that I wasnt and also being pissed that they have locked my account after I won most of my losses back and not when I was losing hundreds of thousands). The only connection that I had to any account was being reffered by that guy that I mentioned earlier. I contacted him and he said that his account got blocked the day before mine and also admitted that he was indeed abusing their system and profiting about 40 thousand dollars from that. Now I am pissed on both him and 500casino for fucking me over, so I try to communicate with 500casino and using solid arguments such as the fact that I was down almost half a million just a few days ago, how the hell would I be abusing something losing this kind of money. No reply from them, no explanation and no proof provided that I was abusing something, just the fact that I was unlucky enough to get reffered by a shithead that was screwing them over and even though I had nothing to do with that they do not care. They have taken all my balance which was approximately 431 thousand dollars, 299500 of which were in vault and the rest was in my playing balance. Their support completely ignores me and refuses to communicate in any way.