取引リストを見るとわかるように、マネージャーは引き出しを2回承認しているので、2回の引き出しが送金されると思っていましたが、カスタマーサービスに問い合わせたところ、拒否され、584.24ドルを没収されると言われました。これは意味がわかりません。無料チップを使ってゲームをプレイしたところ、1600ドルに達し、その後目標金額を賭けたときにすでに1回没収されているのに、なぜ今2度目の没収なのでしょうか?! 私のアカウントに送金される金額は、100ドルではなく684.24ドルであるはずです…

Hi there now they approved my withdrawal but until now I still haven’t receive my payout.
and they only approved $100 withdrawal which is so ridiculous, I understand I used free chips to play the games, upon I’m using free chips to play the games, I managed to hit $1600++ but then later when I hit the target it reduced it to $100, so when that $100 become the real cash I continue to try my luck then later it’s hit $684.24…. Please see attached screenshot for ur information
as u can see the transactions list, the manager has approved twice for the withdrawal, so I was expected there is 2 withdrawals will be transferred, but then after I talked to CS, they said no, they said they going to forfeits $584.24. And I think this is doesn’t make sense , upon I’m using the free chips to play the games I hit $1600 then later when I wagered the target amount they already forfeited once, why now they forfeited for the second time?! the amount of money to be transferred to my account should be 684.24 not just $100…
