親愛なるみんな 、
影響を受ける人々は、当局が居住許可証の申請を処理するのに必要な期間に影響を与えることはできないため、居住許可証なしでドイツに滞在することが法的に認められている 90 日間の期間内に申請すれば十分です。
Dear all ,
In order to proceed with the verification of customer account he has to upload a Valid Resident Permit . The one customer presents is expired and he would have to upload valid one .
Customer can stay without residence permit for 90 days . after this period has passed, he is obligated to apply for residence related document.
As those affected have no influence on how long the authorities need to process an application for a residence title, it is sufficient to apply within the 90-day period in which you are legally authorized to stay in Germany without a residence title.
Customer can find out in good time on the website of the city or foreigners authority in the place of residence whether you need to book an appointment for this or whether you can submit the application for the residence permit online to meet the deadline.
Once the application has been submitted, the status of ‘permitted residence’ is maintained until the decision on the application has been made. A so-called fictional certificate is issued.
So we kindly ask the customer to provide this "fictional certificate" so we can proceed with the verification of his gaming account.
We hope this clears things up for you.
Best Regards,
AmunRa Team