I had several email exchanges with Basswin in October where i told them about my medical condition, i provided them with a copy of the letter from my specialist, told them this issue was destroying me
They refused any kind of refund, they were useless. They told me my account would be closed. I kept getting texts, emails and even a phone call with offers during this time! I thought the account was closed. After another medical episode where once again they had changed their name on Instagram adverts but when you click on them they all come back to Basswin
This email i sent to them 2/1/25
Hi as you are aware from my previous emails I suffer with a medical condition called Functional Neurological Disorder, which can cause dissociative episodes and seizures among many other horrible symptoms. I have provided you with medical evidence of this from a specialist
I do NOT gamble or have the urge to gamble when I am not in seizure or a dissociative episode but when i am in the middle of an episode i can gamble or buy things i don't need, this is something i have discussed and will discuss with my Neurological Psychologist at my next appointment, we are trying to understand why this happens. In these episodes i can deposit/play/give information/withdraw ect but i have NO recollection of these actions.
Last thing i remember was scrolling through Instagram where there are several betting adverts even though i have changed my preferences on many occasions, your site seems to have hundreds of aliases
As far as i can see i must of played these credits on your site but i have NEVER knowingly done this therefore i am asking for your understanding in this matter and request a full refund due to medical incidents that i made you fully aware of in my previous complaint.
I have deposited on your site several times since my complaint and refund request even though you assured me my account was closed, you have kept sending me emails, text messages and i have even had phone calls from you!
I have NO recollection of this and i need this money back please i am asking for your understanding in this matter
I believe you have a sense of moral duty and i should never have been allowed to access your site again! In total now i have deposited $1850 since July and withdrawn nothing!
I have attached all previous emails to this one so you can see i reached out to you on several occasions for help!
I know you say you cannot refund deposits that have been played but i know also that you can at your discretion, i am pleading for your empathy discretion and for you please to do the right thing. As a company who claims to be responsible, please help me.
I am a Neurological and Mentally ill person I feel like even after i came to you and begged for help i have been chased, coerced and worn down with your contact to me, the constant adverts i am having to delete and block daily only to have another pop up and its you, only with an alias name.