現時点では、私は非常に混乱し、悲しく思っています。なぜなら、私は不当に非難されており、私が自己紹介/複数のアカウントを操作しているという証拠を提供することを彼らが拒否したという事実は、ひどいことです。Bc.game は大規模な賭博サイトで、ほぼすべての人がそこにアカウントを持っているので、彼らが私が共有または公共の Wi-Fi を使用したために複数のアカウントを持っていると主張するのであれば、それは非常に不公平です!!!

i don't use vpn I don't even know how to use it. And nobody from my household is using my ip, neither i have i ever opened a multi account, or self refering as dey accused me, as a matter of fact I didn't even use any referral code or promo code when registering. Neither have i ever used a bonus,
i have only used public wifi, in an hotel and school premises, and also i have shared hotspot and wifi with few people in school,
secondly when i was verifying my account, after i had uploaded my passport, they requested i do a face scan(liveness check) which i tried doing but it wasn't opening on my phone, it was just showing blanck(dark), i took a screenshot cause i wanted to report the issue to the customer support, i tried back it was the same thing so i decided to try it in another phone, and it opened then i did the face scan successfully and verified my account. I will attach the screenshot below.
At the moment i am so confuse and sad, cause i am been accused wrongly, the fact they refused to provide an evidence that i am self refering/operating a multiple account is appalling. Bc.game is a big betting site and almost everyone have an account with them, so if they are claiming i have a multiple account because i have shared or used public wifi, then it will be so unfair!!!
the fact they seized all the funds in my account is appalling and screaming scam! And obviously they have no intentions of paying which is why they came up with this flimsy reason to hold my money.
