シードが使用されているため、アクティブにプレイしているため、変更できないという通知が表示されます。これは完璧です 。それはそれが正しく機能していることを意味しますか?番号 !
あなたがそれをさらに数回押すと、それは実際にあなたが賭けている途中でシードを変更します。大問題 !そうではないはずです!これがキッカーです。プレイ中に手動でベットしているときにシードが使用されていることを通知します。
ヒロは、あなたのギャンブルの習慣について収集されたデータで遊んでいる私の知識に基づいた結論の人工知能です。私は100枚の偽のカードを続けてヒットしました。切り替えを試みている間、常にアップしています。これは絶対に非現実的です。人々はこれらのカジノを信頼していて、私は男性が数時間で$ 30,000を失うのを見ました。彼らはチャットの人々の大規模な引き出しに投稿します。私の意見では、彼らが支払うすべての人にbcゲームの利益を分配するために、あなたの巨額の預金を外部アカウントに移動するための提携メンバーです。
再びクラッシュでは、複数の人が同時に賭けていますよね?クラッシュに大きな賭けをしている何百人もの人々のように。実験をしてください。最大は少量の暗号を賭けます。ブームインスタバスト!しかし、真剣に彼らはあなたの.000010 usdtがドルに近づかないことを確実にするためにこれらすべてのプレーヤーを破産させますか?あなたの失敗が何百人もの人々より重要であるように?
彼らは私が1ドルをクリアせずに文字通り何日も賭けることを許された1ドル未満に私を保ちました??!?!??! Wtfはそれが絶対的なゴミではないと私に言います。 30分以内に100ドルから50セントまで、実際には非常に注意が必要です。しかし、12時間でほぼ1ドルのgifに転がりました。これはbcgameの私の意見です。私がそれを経験した方法。もっと多くの問題がありますが、私はこれを短くしようとします。このサイトは使用しないでください! 750ドルもの高さでも、計算された小さなポンプの後ですべてを失うことになります。実際に撤退するものになってしまう人はほとんどいません。私が懸念を投稿した後、彼らはチャットを絶えず雨が降らせ、彼らの偽のアイドルが与える量を増やしました。それは通常8ペニーです。笑 。
マルチンゲールストラタジーでさえ、多くの負けのためにバンクロール全体を賭ける原因となるため失敗します。論理的ではありません。実生活では決して起こりません。このサイトで私にはいつでも起こります。ブラックジャックやルーレットのようなゲームでは、20回以上連続で負けています。 😑😐🙄ええ、そのdef rng!?!
bc game is in my opinion a absolute scam . 90 percent of the players agree if you go to chat and read awhile people’s comments. They post large wins as click bait to affiliated persons or people that will gamble it back determined by their history of wagering data logged by a i .
And the provable way they claim to verify games is a lie. They claim you have a user seed to make the hash so you can prove they are not altering the game as your playing . However as your rolling any autobet try to change the seed.
What you will find is a notice that it cannot be changed cause seed is in use cause you are actively playing . This is perfect . That means it’s working right?? No !
if your press it a couple more times it does in fact change the seed in the middle of you betting . Big problem ! not supposed to be the case ! Now here is the kicker you will get the seed is in use notice while manually betting as you play
what does that notice pop up for again? Oh yea when anyone is attempting to change your seed midgame. So what does it suggest? It suggest that while you are rapidly betting that someone is attempting to modify your results as you yourself have seen when you attempt the same thing.
Immediately you will win nothing ! No stratagy works across the entire platform. If you reset the seed yet again. You will receive a lag then a notice socket timed out . You will not see any significant gains after this and will endure a absolute drain of all your crypto . Do it again notice socket time out again.
Every single couple mins after you change the seed.
My last 5 deposit did not even slightly suggest any up and down in my earning it literally was a instadrain script. Any large bet will not hit ! Go try it .
Hilo is artificial intelligence in my educated conclusion playing with data collected about your gambling habbits. I hit 100 false cards in a row . While attempting to switch is up constantly . This is absolutely unreal . People trust these casinos and I watched a man lose $30,000 in a couple hrs. They post on chat people’s large withdrawals which in my opinion is affiliated members front for moving your huge amount of deposit out to a external account for bc game profit sharing to all those they pay off.
Again in crash multiple people are betting same time right ? Like hundreds of people with large bets on crash . Do a experiment. Max bet a small amount of crypto. Boom insta bust ! But seriously they will bust all these players to make sure your .000010 usdt will not get close to a dollar?Like your failure is more important then hundred of people?
They kept me under one dollar that I was allowed to bet with for literally days without clearing one dollar ??!?!??! Wtf tell me that is not absolute garbage. From $100 to 50cents in less than 30 mins actually being extremely mindful . But left to roll almost to a dollar gif 12 hrs . This is my opinion of bcgame . The way I experienced it . There are much more issues but I’ll try and cut this short. Do Not Use this site ! You will lose everything after a small calculated pump even as high as 750$ . Very few actually end up with anything to withdraw. After I posted my concerns they rained the chats constantly and upped the amount their false idol gives which is normally 8 pennies. Lol .
They take all your crypto and make you beg to coco their idol for pennies to hope you win your money back to save your home and not have your already struggling families be homeless cause they tricked you into having hope of a win that 98% of people won’t see In my observation.
Btw the list of names on there huge rain list I’ve never seen in chat but you must chat to get rain! At least that’s what they say . Explain that . I chat everyday for a year and literally got my rain trophy a week ago. That’s pretty much being excluded from 90 percent of the rain except small amount under a few cents .
The 30$ and even 1$ rains I have never seen a cent of in a year. I suspect it’s fake profiles going back to the casino or affiliates of the casino. These drops equal to hundreds or thousands a day! But I go 3 months not a rain one .I suspect this is money laundering. But that is my opinion and not fact.
you will be begged for tips by the thousands of people who lost everything! Post a win to chat and a flood of desperation and sad stories .
also It shows past wins and wagers but not withdrawals. I have wagered $87,000 in bets .
I have cashed out $100 once.
Even martingale stratagy will fail as they will cause you to bet entire bank roll due to so many loses. Not logical. Never would happen in real life . Happens ever time to me on this site. That’s over 20 loses in a row on games like blackjack or roulette. 😑😐🙄 yea that def rng !?!
They have been caught cheating in the past but the article won’t show on google search anymore . You can find it still but have to dig.