こんにちは。私は自分の苦情を詳しく述べますが、この状況ではほとんど助けを求めています。私はbet7.comプラットフォームを何ヶ月も使用していますが、スポーツ賭博で問題が起こったことは一度もありません。入金と出金もいつも正常に行っていましたが、今月初め(2月5日頃)に問題が発生し始めました。残高がR$8618.95あり、出金をリクエストしたときに居住証明を送るよう求められ、確認のために3日間待つように言われました。4日後、書類に矛盾があるため別の書類を送るように求められたので、同じタイミングで別の書類を送りましたが、再び期限まで待つように言われました。 「reclameaqui.com.br」のウェブサイトをチェックしたところ、bet7.comプラットフォームが1か月間苦情に対応していないことに気付きました。期限を数日過ぎてから再度発送を要求し、電話をかけると言っても何週間も返答がないという、私と似たケースの苦情がいくつかありました。これはユーザーに対する詐欺かもしれないと気付き、プラットフォームからお金を引き出すのに問題が発生するのではないかと非常に心配になりました。プラットフォーム側の遅延により、すでに支払いが遅れているため、この懸念で何晩も眠れませんでした。これは私だけの問題ではなく、私には3人の子供がいて、彼らは私だけに依存しているからです。どうか助けてください。昨日、11日間待った後、23:00PMに何の説明もなく再び書類が拒否され、残高はR$3807.75に減りました。もう一度書類を送りましたが、すべて詐欺のようです。本当にこのお金が必要なので、どうか助けてください。翻訳機を使って翻訳したテキストを下記に送ります。スペルや同意の間違いがあったらお詫びします。ご清聴ありがとうございました。また助けてください。----
こんにちは。私は自分の苦情をすべて詳しく説明し、この状況で助けを求めています。私は数か月間bet7.comプラットフォームを使用していますが、スポーツベッティングで問題が発生したことは一度もありません。入金と出金は常に正常に行っていましたが、月初(2月5日頃)に問題が発生し始めました。残高はR$8,618.95で、出金をリクエストしたところ、居住証明書の送付を求められ、確認のために3日間待つように言われました。4日後、書類に不一致があると通知され、別の書類を送るように言われました。同時に送信しましたが、再度期限まで待つように言われました。ウェブサイト「reclameaqui.com.br」で確認したところ、bet7.com プラットフォームは 1 か月間苦情に対応していないことがわかりました。期限を数日過ぎてから別のリクエストをしたところ、すぐに電話をかけると言われましたが、何週間も応答がないという、私と似たケースの苦情がいくつかありました。これはユーザーに対する詐欺かもしれないと気付き、プラットフォームからお金を引き出すのに問題が発生するのではないかと非常に心配になりました。プラットフォーム側の遅延により、すでに支払いが遅れているため、皆さんの助けを求めています。この問題は私だけの問題ではなく、私には 3 人の子供がいて、彼らは私だけを頼りにしているので、私は眠れないほど悩んでいます。この問題について助けてください。昨日、11 日間待った後、午後 11 時に何の説明もなく再び書類が拒否され、残高は R$3,807.75 に減りました。もう一度書類を送りましたが、すべてが詐欺であることを示しています。本当にこのお金が必要なので、どうか助けてください。翻訳機を使って翻訳したテキストを下記に送ります。スペルや文法の間違いがあったらお詫びします。ご清聴ありがとうございました。もう一度、どうか助けてください。
注意: 事件に関するすべての証拠を添付して送信しようとすると、「添付ファイルのアップロードに失敗しました」というエラーが表示されます。後で電子メールまたは Whatsapp で送信できる場合は、喜んで対応いたします。
事件に関するすべての証拠を添付して送信しようとすると、「添付ファイルのアップロードに失敗しました」というエラーが表示されます。後でメールまたは WhatsApp で送信できる場合は、喜んでお手伝いいたします。
Good afternoon, I'm going to detail my complaint and I'm almost begging for help in this situation. I've been using the bet7.com platform for months and I've never had any problems with sports betting, I've always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately February 5th) I started having problems. I made a balance of R$8618.95 and when requesting a withdrawal I was asked to send proof of residence and asked to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked for another one to be sent, I sent it at the same time and again they asked me to wait for the deadline. After checking on the "reclameaqui.com.br" website, I noticed that the bet7.com platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting for several days after the deadline, request another shipment, and then say that they will make a phone call, but they do not return for weeks. After realizing that this may be a scam on users, I became very worried that I would have problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I am already overdue bills due to this delay on the part of the platform, I have lost nights of sleep with this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this. Yesterday my document was rejected again at 23:00PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3807.75. I sent another one again, but everything seems to be a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for God's sake. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or agreement errors. Thank you for your attention and please help me again. ----
Good afternoon, I will detail my entire complaint and I almost beg for help in this situation. I have been using the bet7.com platform for months and have never had any problems with sports betting. I have always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately on February 5th) I started having problems. I had a balance of R$8,618.95 and when I requested a withdrawal, they asked me to send proof of residence and asked me to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days, they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked me to send another one. I sent it at the same time and they again asked me to wait the deadline. After checking on the website "reclameaqui.com.br", I noticed that the bet7.com platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting several days of the deadline, request another one, and soon after they say they will make a phone call but do not respond for weeks. After realizing that this might be a scam on users, I became very worried about having problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I already have overdue bills due to this delay on the platform's part. I have been losing sleep over this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this issue. Yesterday, my document was rejected again at 11:00 PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3,807.75. I sent another one again but everything indicates that it is a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for the love of God. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thank you for your attention and again, please help me.
NOTE: When I try to send an attachment with all the evidence I have of the case, I get the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send this later, via e-mail or Whatsapp, I am at your disposal.
When trying to send an attachment with all the evidence I have for the case, I am getting the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send it later, via email or WhatsApp, I am at your disposal.
Boa tarde, irei detalhar toda minha denúncia e peço quase implorando por uma ajuda nessa situação. Utilizo a plataforma bet7.com há meses e nunca tive problemas nas apostas esportivas, sempre realizei depósitos e saques normalmente, porém no início do mês (aproximadamente no dia 05/02) comecei a ter problemas. Fiz um saldo de R$8618,95 e ao solicitar saque me pediram envio de comprovante de residência e pediram para aguardar por 3 dias para verificação. Após se passarem 4 dias informaram haver uma divergência no documento e pediram que fosse enviado outro, fiz o envio na mesma hora e novamente me pediram pra aguardar o prazo. Após verificar no site "reclameaqui.com.br" notei que a plataforma bet7.com não responde às denúncias há um mês, e são diversas denúncias de casos parecidos com o meu, que após aguardarem por vários dias do prazo solicitam outro envio, e logo depois ainda falam que irão realizar ligação telefonica mas ficam por semanas sem dar retorno. Após perceber que pode estar se tratando de um golpe nos usuários eu fiquei muito preocupado de ter problemas ao sacar o meu dinheiro da plataforma, e estou pedindo por favor pela ajuda de vocês pois já estou com contas vencidas por conta dessa demora por parte da plataforma, tenho perdido noites de sono com essa preocupação pois não afeta só a mim, eu tenho três filhos e eles dependem exclusivamente de mim. Por favor, me ajude nessa questão. Na data de ontem meu documento foi recusado novamente às 23:00PM sem nenhuma explicação após aguardar por 11 dias, e meu saldo foi reduzido para R$3807,75. Enviei outro novamente mas tudo indica se tratar de golpe. Preciso muito desse dinheiro, por favor, me ajudem, pelo amor de Deus. Irei utilizar o tradutor e enviar o texto traduzido abaixo, peço desculpas caso tenha algum erro ortográfico ou de concordância. Obrigado pela atenção e novamente por favor, me ajude. ----
Good afternoon, I will detail my entire complaint and I almost beg for help in this situation. I have been using the bet7.com platform for months and have never had any problems with sports betting. I have always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately on February 5th) I started having problems. I had a balance of R$8,618.95 and when I requested a withdrawal, they asked me to send proof of residence and asked me to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days, they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked me to send another one. I sent it at the same time and they again asked me to wait the deadline. After checking on the website "reclameaqui.com.br", I noticed that the bet7.com platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting several days of the deadline, request another one, and soon after they say they will make a phone call but do not respond for weeks. After realizing that this might be a scam on users, I became very worried about having problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I already have overdue bills due to this delay on the platform's part. I have been losing sleep over this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this issue. Yesterday, my document was rejected again at 11:00 PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3,807.75. I sent another one again but everything indicates that it is a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for the love of God. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thank you for your attention and again, please help me.
OBS.: Ao tentar realizar envio de anexo com todas as provas que tenho do caso está dando erro "Attachment upload has failed". Se for possível fazer esse envio posteriormente, via e-mail ou Whatsapp estou à disposição.
When trying to send an attachment with all the evidence I have for the case, I am getting the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send it later, via email or WhatsApp, I am at your disposal.