このオファーは、以下の国のプレイヤーのみが対象です: ドイツ、カナダ、ノルウェー、ニュージーランド、モンテネグロ、イタリア、チェコ共和国、オーストリア、ブラジル、スイス、スペイン、ポルトガル、デンマーク、オーストラリア、ポーランド、スウェーデン、スロバキア、スロベニア、ルーマニア、ハンガリー、ジョージア。
居住国により、このボーナスを獲得できなかったようです。各カジノには独自のボーナス ポリシーと報酬システムがあることに留意してください。ボーナスは基本的にカジノからの贈り物であり、ボーナスの資格があるかどうか、またどのようなルールが適用されるかはカジノ次第です。
I have checked the Terms and Conditions and this is what I found:
This offer is ONLY available for players from the following countries: Germany, Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Montenegro, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria, Brazil, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Australia, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Georgia.
It seems that you were unable to get this bonus due to your country of residence. It's important to note that each casino has its own unique bonus policy and reward system. A bonus is essentially a gift from the casino, and it's up to the casino to determine if you qualify for it and what rules apply.
If you're unable to activate this type of bonus, there is likely a specific reason for it. However, we do not investigate these reasons further and we cannot compel casinos to provide specific bonuses to you.
Please, let me know if there is anything else I could help you with, otherwise, I will be forced to close this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.