明確な説明や証拠もなく、不当にアカウントを閉鎖し、資金を差し押さえたため、 に対して正式な苦情を申し立てます。
1️⃣ 事前の通知なしにアカウントがブロックされる
2️⃣ カジノからの反応の欠如と回避
私はカスタマー サポートとセキュリティ チームの両方に繰り返しメールを送りましたが、セキュリティ チームから連絡があるという同じ返答が返ってきました。
3️⃣ AskGamblersで苦情を申し立てた後の突然の対応
何週間も待っても返答がなかったので、AskGamblers に苦情を申し立てました。
驚いたことに、24 時間以内に、 はようやく応答しました。これは、丸 1 か月間応答できなかったことです。
4️⃣ 「危険な賭け」という根拠のない非難
✔ どの賭けや戦略が不正行為とみなされたかを指定します。
✔ 主張を裏付ける証拠を提示します。
✔ なぜこの曖昧な返答をするまでに 1 か月も私を無視し続けたのか説明してください。
5️⃣ 自分の預金金の差し押さえ
たとえ が私のプレイスタイルを彼らの規則に違反していると判断したとしても (まだ証明されていませんが)、私の最初の入金を差し押さえる正当な理由はありません。私のお金は合法かつ公正に預けられたものであり、彼らにはそれを保持し続ける権利はありません。
6️⃣ 私の要求
✅ は少なくとも最初の入金額を返金してくれます。
✅ 賞金の差し押さえを主張する場合は、規則違反の具体的な証拠を提示する必要があります。
ソーシャル メディアやギャンブル フォーラムで不正行為を暴露します。
7️⃣ 証拠の提供
📌 セキュリティ チームとの電子メールのやり取り。約 1 か月間応答がなかったことを証明しています。
📌 AskGamblers での彼らの回答は曖昧で一般的なものであり、透明性の欠如を示しています。 が義務を果たし、こうした不公平な行為をやめるよう、CasinoGuru の介入をお願いしたいと思います。
Dear CasinoGuru Team,
I am submitting a formal complaint against due to their unjustified account closure and fund retention without any clear explanation or evidence.
1️⃣ Account Blocked Without Prior Notice
On February 16, 2025, I attempted to log into my account at and found that it had been blocked without any prior notice or warning.
I immediately contacted customer support via live chat, and they informed me that their security department would contact me to provide further details. However, I never received any communication from the security team, despite multiple attempts to follow up.
2️⃣ Lack of Response and Avoidance from the Casino
I repeatedly emailed both customer support and the security team, but I kept receiving the same response: that the security team would contact me.
The security team never replied, leaving me completely in the dark.
It has now been almost a month, and my funds remain locked in my account with no way to withdraw them.
3️⃣ Sudden Response After Filing a Complaint on AskGamblers
After waiting for weeks with no response, I filed a complaint on AskGamblers.
Surprisingly, within 24 hours, finally responded—something they had failed to do for an entire month.
Their response was a generic message, accusing me of violating their "Anti-Fraud Policy" without providing any specific evidence or details.
4️⃣ Unsubstantiated Accusations of "Risky Betting"
In their response, they stated that I engaged in "betting techniques that abuse the movement of odds" to gain an unfair advantage. However, they have failed to:
✔ Specify which bets or strategies were considered abusive.
✔ Provide any evidence supporting their claims.
✔ Explain why it took a month of ignoring me before giving this vague response.
This boilerplate response appears to be a pretext to withhold my funds, rather than a legitimate reason for account closure.
5️⃣ Withholding of My Own Deposited Funds
Even if considers my playstyle to be against their rules (which is still unproven), there is no justification for withholding my original deposit. My money was legally and fairly deposited, and they have no right to keep it.
6️⃣ My Demand
I am open to resolving this situation fairly. I request that:
✅ returns my initial deposit, at the very least.
✅ If they insist on withholding my winnings, they must provide concrete proof of rule violations.
If my funds are not returned, I will:
Continue escalating this issue through all major complaint platforms.
Report this case to international regulatory bodies that oversee gaming licenses.
Expose their unfair practices on social media and gambling forums.
7️⃣ Evidence Provided
I am attaching:
📌 The email exchange with their security team, proving that they failed to respond for nearly a month.
📌 Their vague and generic response on AskGamblers, demonstrating the lack of transparency.
I kindly request CasinoGuru's intervention to ensure that honors their obligations and stops engaging in these unfair practices.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,